Ensuring high-quality colonoscopy by reducing polyp miss-rates

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Colorectal cancer is the second-highest cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States with approximately 50,000 estimated deaths in 2015. The advanced stages of colorectal cancer has a poor five-year survival rate of 10%, whereas the diagnosis in early stages

Colorectal cancer is the second-highest cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States with approximately 50,000 estimated deaths in 2015. The advanced stages of colorectal cancer has a poor five-year survival rate of 10%, whereas the diagnosis in early stages of development has showed a more favorable five-year survival rate of 90%. Early diagnosis of colorectal cancer is achievable if colorectal polyps, a possible precursor to cancer, are detected and removed before developing into malignancy.

The preferred method for polyp detection and removal is optical colonoscopy. A colonoscopic procedure consists of two phases: (1) insertion phase during which a flexible endoscope (a flexible tube with a tiny video camera at the tip) is advanced via the anus and then gradually to the end of the colon--called the cecum, and (2) withdrawal phase during which the endoscope is gradually withdrawn while colonoscopists examine the colon wall to find and remove polyps. Colonoscopy is an effective procedure and has led to a significant decline in the incidence and mortality of colon cancer. However, despite many screening and therapeutic advantages, 1 out of every 4 polyps and 1 out of 13 colon cancers are missed during colonoscopy.

There are many factors that contribute to missed polyps and cancers including poor colon preparation, inadequate navigational skills, and fatigue. Poor colon preparation results in a substantial portion of colon covered with fecal content, hindering a careful examination of the colon. Inadequate navigational skills can prevent a colonoscopist from examining hard-to-reach regions of the colon that may contain a polyp. Fatigue can manifest itself in the performance of a colonoscopist by decreasing diligence and vigilance during procedures. Lack of vigilance may prevent a colonoscopist from detecting the polyps that briefly appear in the colonoscopy videos. Lack of diligence may result in hasty examination of the colon that is likely to miss polyps and lesions.

To reduce polyp and cancer miss rates, this research presents a quality assurance system with 3 components. The first component is an automatic polyp detection system that highlights the regions with suspected polyps in colonoscopy videos. The goal is to encourage more vigilance during procedures. The suggested polyp detection system consists of several novel modules: (1) a new patch descriptor that characterizes image appearance around boundaries more accurately and more efficiently than widely-used patch descriptors such HoG, LBP, and Daisy; (2) A 2-stage classification framework that is able to enhance low level image features prior to classification. Unlike the traditional way of image classification where a single patch undergoes the processing pipeline, our system fuses the information extracted from a pair of patches for more accurate edge classification; (3) a new vote accumulation scheme that robustly localizes objects with curvy boundaries in fragmented edge maps. Our voting scheme produces a probabilistic output for each polyp candidate but unlike the existing methods (e.g., Hough transform) does not require any predefined parametric model of the object of interest; (4) and a unique three-way image representation coupled with convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for classifying the polyp candidates. Our image representation efficiently captures a variety of features such as color, texture, shape, and temporal information and significantly improves the performance of the subsequent CNNs for candidate classification. This contrasts with the exiting methods that mainly rely on a subset of the above image features for polyp detection. Furthermore, this research is the first to investigate the use of CNNs for polyp detection in colonoscopy videos.

The second component of our quality assurance system is an automatic image quality assessment for colonoscopy. The goal is to encourage more diligence during procedures by warning against hasty and low quality colon examination. We detect a low quality colon examination by identifying a number of consecutive non-informative frames in videos. We base our methodology for detecting non-informative frames on two key observations: (1) non-informative frames

most often show an unrecognizable scene with few details and blurry edges and thus their information can be locally compressed in a few Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) coefficients; however, informative images include much more details and their information content cannot be summarized by a small subset of DCT coefficients; (2) information content is spread all over the image in the case of informative frames, whereas in non-informative frames, depending on image artifacts and degradation factors, details may appear in only a few regions. We use the former observation in designing our global features and the latter in designing our local image features. We demonstrated that the suggested new features are superior to the existing features based on wavelet and Fourier transforms.

The third component of our quality assurance system is a 3D visualization system. The goal is to provide colonoscopists with feedback about the regions of the colon that have remained unexamined during colonoscopy, thereby helping them improve their navigational skills. The suggested system is based on a new 3D reconstruction algorithm that combines depth and position information for 3D reconstruction. We propose to use a depth camera and a tracking sensor to obtain depth and position information. Our system contrasts with the existing works where the depth and position information are unreliably estimated from the colonoscopy frames. We conducted a use case experiment, demonstrating that the suggested 3D visualization system can determine the unseen regions of the navigated environment. However, due to technology limitations, we were not able to evaluate our 3D visualization system using a phantom model of the colon.
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Longitudinal morphometric study of genetic influence of APOE e4 genotype on hippocampal atrophy - An N=1925 surface-based ADNI study

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The apolipoprotein E (APOE) e4 genotype is the most prevalent known genetic risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (AD). In this paper, we examined the longitudinal effect of APOE e4 on hippocampal morphometry in Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). Generally, atrophy

The apolipoprotein E (APOE) e4 genotype is the most prevalent known genetic risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (AD). In this paper, we examined the longitudinal effect of APOE e4 on hippocampal morphometry in Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). Generally, atrophy of hippocampus has more chance occurs in AD patients who carrying the APOE e4 allele than those who are APOE e4 noncarriers. Also, brain structure and function depend on APOE genotype not just for Alzheimer's disease patients but also in health elderly individuals, so APOE genotyping is considered critical in clinical trials of Alzheimer's disease. We used a large sample of elderly participants, with the help of a new automated surface registration system based on surface conformal parameterization with holomorphic 1-forms and surface fluid registration. In this system, we automatically segmented and constructed hippocampal surfaces from MR images at many different time points, such as 6 months, 1- and 2-year follow up. Between the two different hippocampal surfaces, we did the high-order correspondences, using a novel inverse consistent surface fluid registration method. At each time point, using Hotelling's T^2 test, we found significant morphological deformation in APOE e4 carriers relative to noncarriers in the entire cohort as well as in the non-demented (pooled MCI and control) subjects, affecting the left hippocampus more than the right, and this effect was more pronounced in e4 homozygotes than heterozygotes.
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Informatics approach to improving surgical skills training

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Surgery as a profession requires significant training to improve both clinical decision making and psychomotor proficiency. In the medical knowledge domain, tools have been developed, validated, and accepted for evaluation of surgeons' competencies. However, assessment of the psychomotor skills still

Surgery as a profession requires significant training to improve both clinical decision making and psychomotor proficiency. In the medical knowledge domain, tools have been developed, validated, and accepted for evaluation of surgeons' competencies. However, assessment of the psychomotor skills still relies on the Halstedian model of apprenticeship, wherein surgeons are observed during residency for judgment of their skills. Although the value of this method of skills assessment cannot be ignored, novel methodologies of objective skills assessment need to be designed, developed, and evaluated that augment the traditional approach. Several sensor-based systems have been developed to measure a user's skill quantitatively, but use of sensors could interfere with skill execution and thus limit the potential for evaluating real-life surgery. However, having a method to judge skills automatically in real-life conditions should be the ultimate goal, since only with such features that a system would be widely adopted. This research proposes a novel video-based approach for observing surgeons' hand and surgical tool movements in minimally invasive surgical training exercises as well as during laparoscopic surgery. Because our system does not require surgeons to wear special sensors, it has the distinct advantage over alternatives of offering skills assessment in both learning and real-life environments. The system automatically detects major skill-measuring features from surgical task videos using a computing system composed of a series of computer vision algorithms and provides on-screen real-time performance feedback for more efficient skill learning. Finally, the machine-learning approach is used to develop an observer-independent composite scoring model through objective and quantitative measurement of surgical skills. To increase effectiveness and usability of the developed system, it is integrated with a cloud-based tool, which automatically assesses surgical videos upload to the cloud.
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Offline and online adaboost for detecting anatomic structures

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Detecting anatomical structures, such as the carina, the pulmonary trunk and the aortic arch, is an important step in designing a CAD system of detection Pulmonary Embolism. The presented CAD system gets rid of the high-level prior defined knowledge to

Detecting anatomical structures, such as the carina, the pulmonary trunk and the aortic arch, is an important step in designing a CAD system of detection Pulmonary Embolism. The presented CAD system gets rid of the high-level prior defined knowledge to become a system which can easily extend to detect other anatomic structures. The system is based on a machine learning algorithm --- AdaBoost and a general feature --- Haar. This study emphasizes on off-line and on-line AdaBoost learning. And in on-line AdaBoost, the thesis further deals with extremely imbalanced condition. The thesis first reviews several knowledge-based detection methods, which are relied on human being's understanding of the relationship between anatomic structures. Then the thesis introduces a classic off-line AdaBoost learning. The thesis applies different cascading scheme, namely multi-exit cascading scheme. The comparison between the two methods will be provided and discussed. Both of the off-line AdaBoost methods have problems in memory usage and time consuming. Off-line AdaBoost methods need to store all the training samples and the dataset need to be set before training. The dataset cannot be enlarged dynamically. Different training dataset requires retraining the whole process. The retraining is very time consuming and even not realistic. To deal with the shortcomings of off-line learning, the study exploited on-line AdaBoost learning approach. The thesis proposed a novel pool based on-line method with Kalman filters and histogram to better represent the distribution of the samples' weight. Analysis of the performance, the stability and the computational complexity will be provided in the thesis. Furthermore, the original on-line AdaBoost performs badly in imbalanced conditions, which occur frequently in medical image processing. In image dataset, positive samples are limited and negative samples are countless. A novel Self-Adaptive Asymmetric On-line Boosting method is presented. The method utilized a new asymmetric loss criterion with self-adaptability according to the ratio of exposed positive and negative samples and it has an advanced rule to update sample's importance weight taking account of both classification result and sample's label. Compared to traditional on-line AdaBoost Learning method, the new method can achieve far more accuracy in imbalanced conditions.
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