Band Gap Engineering and Phase Transition in InSeS and InSeTe Alloys

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Many important technologies, including electronics, computing, communications, optoelectronics, and sensing, are built on semiconductors. The band gap is a crucial factor in determining the electrical and optical properties of semiconductors. Beyond graphene, newly found two-dimensional (2D) materials have semiconducting bandgaps

Many important technologies, including electronics, computing, communications, optoelectronics, and sensing, are built on semiconductors. The band gap is a crucial factor in determining the electrical and optical properties of semiconductors. Beyond graphene, newly found two-dimensional (2D) materials have semiconducting bandgaps that range from the ultraviolet in hexagonal boron nitride to the terahertz and mid-infrared in bilayer graphene and black phosphorus, visible in transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs). These 2D materials were shown to have highly controllable bandgaps which can be controlled by alloying. Only a small number of TMDs and monochalcogenides have been alloyed, though, because alloying compromised the material's Van der Waals (Vdw) property and the stability of the host crystal lattice phase. Phase transition in 2D materials is an interesting phenomenon where work has been done only on few TMDs namely MoTe2, MoS2, TaS2 etc.In order to change the band gaps and move them towards the UV (ultraviolet) and IR (infrared) regions, this work has developed new 2D alloys in InSe by alloying them with S and Te at 10% increasing concentrations. As the concentration of the chalcogens (S and Te) increased past a certain point, a structural phase transition in the alloys was observed. However, pinpointing the exact concentration for phase change and inducing phase change using external stimuli will be a thing of the future. The resulting changes in the crystal structure and band gap were characterized using some basic characterization techniques like scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy.
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Reducing the Vanadium Dioxide Transition Temperature using Tungsten Doping from Co-sputtering and Furnace Oxidation

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Vanadium-dioxide-based devices show great switchability in their optical properties due to its dramatic thermochromic phase transition from insulator to metal, but generally have concerns due to its relatively high transition temperature at 68 °C. Doping the vanadium dioxide with tungsten

Vanadium-dioxide-based devices show great switchability in their optical properties due to its dramatic thermochromic phase transition from insulator to metal, but generally have concerns due to its relatively high transition temperature at 68 °C. Doping the vanadium dioxide with tungsten has been shown to reduce its transition temperature at the cost lower optical property differences between its insulating and metallic phases. A recipe is developed through parametric experimentation to fabricate tungsten-doped vanadium dioxide consisting of a novel dual target co-sputtering deposition, a furnace oxidation process, and a post-oxidation annealing process. The transmittance spectra of the resulting films are measured via Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy at different temperatures to confirm the lowered transition temperature and analyze their thermal-optical hysteresis behavior through the transition temperature range. Afterwards, the optical properties of undoped sputtered vanadium films are modeled and effective medium theory is used to explain the effect of tungsten dopants on the observed transmittance decrease of doped vanadium dioxide. The optical modeling is used to predict the performance of tungsten-doped vanadium dioxide devices, in particular a Fabry-Perot infrared emitter and a nanophotonic infrared transmission filter. Both devices show great promise in their optical properties despite a slight performance decrease from the tungsten doping. These results serve to illustrate the excellent performance of the co-sputtered tungsten-doped vanadium dioxide films.
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Multi-Scale Characterization of the Roles of Alkali Post-Deposition Treatments and Ag-Alloying in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cells

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Thin film solar cells are based on polycrystalline materials that contain a high concentration of intrinsic and extrinsic defects. Improving the device efficiency in such systems relies on understanding the nature of defects - whether they are positive, negative, or

Thin film solar cells are based on polycrystalline materials that contain a high concentration of intrinsic and extrinsic defects. Improving the device efficiency in such systems relies on understanding the nature of defects - whether they are positive, negative, or neutral in their influence - and their sources in order to engineer optimized absorbers. Oftentimes, these are studied individually, as characterization techniques are limited in their ability to directly relate material properties in individual layers to their impact on the actual device performance. Expanding the tools available for increased understanding of materials and devices has been critical for reducing the translation time of laboratory-scale research to changes in commercial module manufacturing lines. The use of synchrotron X-ray fluorescence (XRF) paired with X-ray beam induced current and voltage (XBIC, XBIV respectively) has proven to be an effective technique for understanding the impact of material composition and inhomogeneity on solar cell device functioning. The combination of large penetration depth, small spot size, and high flux allows for the measurement of entire solar cell stacks with high spatial resolution and chemical sensitivity. In this work, I combine correlative XRF/XBIC/XBIV with other characterization approaches across varying length scales, such as micro-Raman spectroscopy and photoluminescence, to understand how composition influences device performance in thin films. The work described here is broken into three sections. Firstly, understanding the influence of KF post-deposition treatment (PDT) and the use of Ag-alloying to reduce defect density in the Ga-free material system, CuInSe2 (CIS). Next, applying a similar characterization workflow to industrially relevant Ga-containing Cu(In1-xGax)Se2 (CIGS) modules with Ag and KF-PDT. The influence of light soaking and dark heat exposure on the modules are also studied in detail. Results show that Ag used with KF-PDT in CIS causes undesirable cation ordering at the CdS interface and affects the device through increased potential fluctuations. The results also demonstrate the importance of tuning the concentration of KF-PDT used when intended to be used in Ag-alloyed devices. Commercially-processed modules with optimized Ag and KF concentrations are shown to have the device performance instead be dominated by variations in the CIGS composition itself. In particular, changes in Cu and Se concentrations are found to be most influential on the device response to accelerated stressors such as dark heat exposure and light soaking. In the final chapter, simulations of nano-scale XBIC and XBIV are done to contribute to the understanding of these measurements.
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Investigation Into the Alloying of Fe1-xNixCl2 2D Magnets

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The recent discoveries of 2D van der Waals (vdW) materials have led to the realization of 2D magnetic crystals. Previously debated and thought impossible, transition metal halides (TMH) have given rise to layer dependent magnetism. Using these TMH as a

The recent discoveries of 2D van der Waals (vdW) materials have led to the realization of 2D magnetic crystals. Previously debated and thought impossible, transition metal halides (TMH) have given rise to layer dependent magnetism. Using these TMH as a basis, an alloy composing of Fe1-xNixCl2 (where 0 ≤ x ≤ 1) was grown using chemical vapor transport. The intrigue for this alloy composition stems from the interest in spin canting and magnet moment behavior since NiCl2 has in-plane ferromagnetism whereas FeCl2 has out-of-plane ferromagnetism. While in its infancy, this project lays out a foundation to fully develop and characterize this TMH via cationic alloying. To study the magnetic properties of this alloy system, Vibrating Sample Magnetometry was employed extensively to measure the magnetism as a function of temperature as well as applied magnetic field. Future work with use a combination of X-Ray Diffraction, Raman, Scanning Electron Microscopy, and Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy Mapping to verify homogeneous alloying rather than phase separation. Additionally, ellipsometry will be used with Kramer-Kronig relations to extract the dielectric constant from Fe1-xNixCl2. This work lays the foundation for future, fruitful work to prepare this vdW cationic alloy for eventual device applications.

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Multiphase Liquid Metal Composites for Soft Thermal Applications

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Soft thermal interface materials (TIMs) are critical for improving the thermal management of advanced microelectronic devices. Despite containing high thermal conductivity filler materials, TIM performance is limited by thermal resistances between fillers, filler-matrix, and external contact resistance. Recently, room-temperature liquid

Soft thermal interface materials (TIMs) are critical for improving the thermal management of advanced microelectronic devices. Despite containing high thermal conductivity filler materials, TIM performance is limited by thermal resistances between fillers, filler-matrix, and external contact resistance. Recently, room-temperature liquid metals (LMs) started to be adapted as an alternative TIM for their low thermal resistance and fluidic nature. However, LM-based TIMs face challenges due to their low viscosity, non-wetting qualities, chemical reactivity, and corrosiveness towards aluminum.To address these concerns, this dissertation research investigates fundamental LM properties and assesses their utility for developing multiphase LM composites with strong thermal properties. Augmentation of LM with gallium oxide and air capsules lead to LM-base foams with improved spreading and patterning. Gallium oxides are responsible for stabilizing LM foam structures which is observed through electron microscopy, revealing a temporal evolution of air voids after shear mixing in air. The presence of air bubbles and oxide fragments in LM decreases thermal conductivity while increasing its viscosity as the shear mixing time is prolonged. An overall mechanism for foam generation in LM is presented in two stages: 1) oxide fragment accumulation and 2) air bubble entrapment and propagation. To avoid the low thermal conductivity air content, mixing of non-reactive particles of tungsten or silicon carbide (SiC) into LM forms paste-like LM-based mixtures that exhibit tunable high thermal conductivity 2-3 times beyond the matrix material. These filler materials remain chemically stable and do not react with LM over time while suspended. Gallium oxide-mediated wetting mechanisms for these non-wetting fillers are elucidated in oxygen rich and deficient environments. Three-phase composites consisting of LM and Ag-coated SiC fillers dispersed in a noncuring silicone oil matrix address LM-corrosion related issues. Ag-coated SiC particles enable improved wetting of the LM, and the results show that applied pressure is necessary for bridging of these LM-coated particles to improve filler thermal resistance. Compositional tuning between the fillers leads to thermal improvements in this multiphase composite. The results of this dissertation work aim to advance our current understanding of LMs and how to design LM-based composite materials for improved TIMs and other soft thermal applications.
Date Created

Synthesis of Monolayer Janus Transition Metal Dichalcogenides

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2D materials with reduced symmetry have gained great interest in the past decade due to the arising quantum properties introduced by the structural asymmetry. A particular example is called 2D Janus materials. Named after Roman god Janus with two faces,

2D materials with reduced symmetry have gained great interest in the past decade due to the arising quantum properties introduced by the structural asymmetry. A particular example is called 2D Janus materials. Named after Roman god Janus with two faces, Janus materials have different chemical compositions on the two sides of materials, leading to a structure with broken mirror symmetry. Electronegativity difference of the facial elements induces a built-in polarization field pointing out of the plane, which has driven a lot of theory predictions on Rashba splitting, high- temperature ferromagnetism, Skyrmion formation, and so on. Previously reported experimental synthesis of Janus 2D materials relies on high-temperature processing, which limits the crystallinity of as produced 2D layers. In this dissertation, I present a room temperature selective epitaxial atomic re- placement (SEAR) method to convert CVD-grown transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) into a Janus structure. Chemically reactive H2 plasma is used to selectively etch off the top layer of chalcogen atoms and the introduction of replacement chalco- gen source in-situ allows for the achievement of Janus structures in one step at room temperature. It is confirmed that the produced Janus monolayers possess high crys- tallinity and good excitonic properties. Moving forward, I show the fabrication of lateral and vertical heterostructures of Janus materials, which are predicted to show exotic properties because of the intrinsic polarization field. To efficiently screen other kinds of interesting Janus structures, a new plasma chamber is designed to allow in-situ optical measurement on the target monolayer during the SEAR process. Successful conversion is seen on mechanically exfoliated MoSe2 and WSe2, and insights into reaction kinetics are gain from Raman spectra evolution. Using the monitoring ability, Janus SNbSe is synthesized for the first time. It’s also demonstrated that the overall crystallinity of as produced Janus monolayer SWSe and SMoSe are correlated with the source of monolayer TMDs. Overall, the synthesis of the Janus monolayers using the described method paves the way to the production of highly crystalline Janus materials, and with the in-situ monitoring ability, a deeper understanding of the mechanism is reached. This will accelerate future exploration of other Janus materials synthesis, and confirmation and discovery of their exciting quantum properties.
Date Created

Interaction of Charge Carriers with Defects at Interfaces and Grain Boundaries in Compound Semiconductors

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Realization of efficient, high-bandgap photovoltaic cells produced using economically viable methods is a technological advance that could change the way we generate and use energy, and thereby accelerate the development of human civilization. There is a need to engineer a

Realization of efficient, high-bandgap photovoltaic cells produced using economically viable methods is a technological advance that could change the way we generate and use energy, and thereby accelerate the development of human civilization. There is a need to engineer a semiconductor material for solar cells, particularly multijunction cells, that has high (1.6-2.0 eV) bandgap, has relatively inactive defects, is thermodynamically stable under normal operating conditions with the potential for cost-effective thin-film growth in mass production.This work focuses on a material system made of gallium, indium, and phosphorus – the ternary semiconductor GaInP. GaInP based photovoltaic cells in single-crystal form have demonstrated excellent power conversion efficiency, however, growth of single-crystal GaInP is prohibitively expensive. While growth of polycrystalline GaInP is expected to lower production costs, polycrystalline GaInP is also expected to have a high density of electronically active defects, about which little is reported in scientific literature. This work presents the first study of synthesis, and structural and optoelectronic characterization of polycrystalline GaInP thin films. In addition, this work models the best performance of polycrystalline solar cells achievable with a given grain size with grain-boundary/surface recombination velocity as a variable parameter. The effects of defect characteristics at the surface and layer properties such as doping and thickness on interface recombination velocity are also modeled. Recombination velocities at the free surface of single-crystal GaInP and after deposition of various dielectric layers on GaInP are determined experimentally using time-resolved photoluminescence decay measurements. In addition, experimental values of bulk lifetime and surface recombination velocity in well-passivated single crystal AlInP-GaInP based double heterostructures are also measured for comparison to polycrystalline material systems. A novel passivation method – aluminum-assisted post-deposition treatment or Al-PDT – was developed which shows promise as a general passivation and material improvement technique for polycrystalline thin films. In the GaInP system, this aluminum post-deposition treatment has demonstrated improvement in the minority carrier lifetime to 44 ns at 80 K. During development of the passivation process, aluminum diffusivity in GaInP was measured using TEM-EDS line scans. Introduction, development, and refinement of this novel passivation mechanism in polycrystalline GaInP could initiate the development of a new family of passivation treatments, potentially improving the optoelectronic response of other polycrystalline compound semiconductors as well.
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The Engineering of Charge Density Waves in Lanthanum Based Layered Tellurides Through Synthesis and Characterization

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In the Rare-earth-Tri-telluride family, (RTe3s) [R=La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Er, Ho, Tm] the emergence of Charge Density Waves, (CDW) has been under investigation for a long time due to broadly tunable properties by either chemical substitution or

In the Rare-earth-Tri-telluride family, (RTe3s) [R=La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Er, Ho, Tm] the emergence of Charge Density Waves, (CDW) has been under investigation for a long time due to broadly tunable properties by either chemical substitution or pressure application. These quasi 2D Layered materials RTe3s undergo Fermi Surface Nesting leading to CDW instability. CDWs are electronic instabilities found in low-dimensional materials with highly anisotropic electronic structures. Since the CDW is predominantly driven by Fermi-surface (FS) nesting, it is especially sensitive to pressure-induced changes in the electronic structure. The FS of RTe3s is a function of p-orbitals of Tellurium atoms, which are arranged in two adjacent planes in the crystal structure. Although the FS and electronic structure possess a nearly four-fold symmetry, RTe3s form an incommensurate CDW.This dissertation is structured as follows: Chapter 1 includes basic ideas of Quantum materials, followed by an introduction to CDW and RTe3s. In Chapter 2, there are fundamentals of crystal growth by Chemical Vapor Transport, including various precursors, transport agent, temperature gradient, and rate of the reaction. After the growth, the crystals were confirmed for lattice vibrations by Raman, for composition by Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy; crystal structure and orientation were confirmed by X-ray Diffraction; magnetic ordering was established by Vibrating sample measurement. Detailed CDW study was done on various RTe3s by Raman spectroscopy. The basic mechanism and instrumentations used in these characterizations are explained in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 includes experimental data for crystal growth and results of these characterizations for Parent RTe3s. Chapter 5 includes fundamental insights on Cationic alloying of RTe3s, along with one alloy system’s crystal growth and characterization. This work tries to explain the behavior of CDW by a Temperature-dependent Raman study of RTe3s established the CDW transition temperature accompanied by Phonon softening; Angle-resolved Raman data confirming the nearly four-fold symmetry; thickness-dependent Raman spectroscopy resulting in the conclusion that as thickness decreases CDW transition temperature increases. Also, CDW transition is analyzed as a function of alloying.
Date Created

Development of Magnetically Tunable High-Performance Dielectric Ceramics

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Losses in commercial microwave dielectrics arise from spin excitations in paramagnetic transition metal dopants, at least at reduced temperatures. The magnitude of the loss tangent can be altered by orders of magnitude through the application of an external magnetic field.

Losses in commercial microwave dielectrics arise from spin excitations in paramagnetic transition metal dopants, at least at reduced temperatures. The magnitude of the loss tangent can be altered by orders of magnitude through the application of an external magnetic field. The goal of this thesis is to produce “smart” dielectrics that can be switched “on” or “off” at small magnetic fields while investigating the influence of transition metal dopants on the dielectric, magnetic, and structural properties.

A proof of principle demonstration of a resonator that can switch from a high-Q “on state” to a low-Q “off state” at reduced temperatures is demonstrated in (Al1-xFex)2O3 and La(Al1-xFex)O3. The Fe3+ ions are in a high spin state (S=5/2) and undergo electron paramagnetic resonance absorption transitions that increase the microwave loss of the system. Transitions occur between mJ states with a corresponding change in the angular momentum, J, by ±ħ (i.e., ΔmJ=±1) at small magnetic fields. The paramagnetic ions also have an influence on the dielectric and magnetic properties, which I explore in these systems along with another low loss complex perovskite material, Ca[(Al1-xFex)1/2Nb1/2]O3. I describe what constitutes an optimal microwave loss switchable material induced from EPR transitions and the mechanisms associated with the key properties.

As a first step to modeling the properties of high-performance microwave host lattices and ultimately their performance at microwave frequencies, a first-principles approach is used to determine the structural phase stability of various complex perovskites with a range of tolerance factors at 0 K and finite temperatures. By understanding the correct structural phases of these complex perovskites, the temperature coefficient of resonant frequency can be better predicted.

A strong understanding of these parameters is expected to open the possibility to produce new types of high-performance switchable filters, time domain MIMO’s, multiplexers, and demultiplexers.
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Engineering Properties of Transition Metal Halides via Cationic Alloying

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Transition metal di- and tri-halides (TMH) have recently gathered research attention owing to their intrinsic magnetism all the way down to their two-dimensional limit. 2D magnets, despite being a crucial component for realizing van der Waals heterostructures and devices with

Transition metal di- and tri-halides (TMH) have recently gathered research attention owing to their intrinsic magnetism all the way down to their two-dimensional limit. 2D magnets, despite being a crucial component for realizing van der Waals heterostructures and devices with various functionalities, were not experimentally proven until very recently in 2017. The findings opened up enormous possibilities for studying new quantum states of matter that can enable potential to design spintronic, magnetic memory, data storage, sensing, and topological devices. However, practical applications in modern technologies demand materials with various physical and chemical properties such as electronic, optical, structural, catalytic, magnetic etc., which cannot be found within single material systems. Considering that compositional modifications in 2D systems lead to significant changes in properties due to the high anisotropy inherent to their crystallographic structure, this work focuses on alloying of TMH compounds to explore the potentials for tuning their properties. In this thesis, the ternary cation alloys of Co(1-x)Ni(x)Cl(2) and Mo(1-x)Cr(x)Cl(3) were synthesized via chemical vapor transport at a various stoichiometry. Their compositional, structural, and magnetic properties were studied using Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy, Raman Spectroscopy, X-Ray Diffraction, and Vibrating Sample Magnetometry. It was found that completely miscible ternary alloys of Co(1-x)Ni(x)Cl(2) show an increasing Néel temperature with nickel concentration. The Mo(1-x)Cr(x)Cl(3) alloy shows potential magnetic phase changes induced by the incorporation of molybdenum species within the host CrCl3 lattice. Magnetic measurements give insight into potential antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic transition with molybdenum incorporation, accompanied by a shift in the magnetic easy-axis from parallel to perpendicular. Phase separation was found in the Fe(1-x)Cr(x)Cl(3) ternary alloy indicating that crystallographic structure compatibility plays an essential role in determining the miscibility of two parent compounds. Alloying across two similar (TMH) compounds appears to yield predictable results in properties as in the case of Co(1-x)Ni(x)Cl(2), while more exotic transitions, as in the case of Mo(1-x)Cr(x)Cl(3), can emerge by alloying dissimilar compounds. When dissimilarity reaches a certain limit, as with Fe(1-x)Cr(x)Cl(3), phase separation becomes more favorable. Future studies focusing on magnetic and structural phase transitions will reveal more insight into the effect of alloying in these TMH systems.
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