Burrowing owl Translocation, Site Fidelity, and Success in the Phoenix Valley

The Western Burrowing owl in Arizona is facing habitat destruction due to urbanization in the city of Phoenix. Wild at Heart, a raptor rehabilitation center, has a program to translocate burrowing owls away from dangerous urban areas. To understand

The Western Burrowing owl in Arizona is facing habitat destruction due to urbanization in the city of Phoenix. Wild at Heart, a raptor rehabilitation center, has a program to translocate burrowing owls away from dangerous urban areas. To understand translocation, we reviewed definitions of translocation success across articles of many taxa, analyzed environmental factors involving traffic and ambient sound levels, and conducted an experiment on owl site fidelity using visual conspecific cues. We found no unified definition of translocation success and that traffic and ambient sound levels did not affect burrowing owl occupancy. Additionally, owl pellets had no impact on owl visitation rates. More research is needed to understand the effects of animal translocation so that a stronger consensus can be drawn regarding what makes one successful.
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Cold, Dry, and Alone: Quantifying Hibernation Traits in Dryland Bats of the Southwest

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As white-nose syndrome (WNS) spreads across North America, generating baseline data on bats hibernating outside of the affected area is critical. To illustrate, despite the imminent arrival of Pseudogymnoascus destructans (Pd) to Arizona (AZ), little is known about bat hibernation

As white-nose syndrome (WNS) spreads across North America, generating baseline data on bats hibernating outside of the affected area is critical. To illustrate, despite the imminent arrival of Pseudogymnoascus destructans (Pd) to Arizona (AZ), little is known about bat hibernation in the Southwest. With the current amount of information, if Pd spreads throughout the state, detection of cases would be limited, and severity of disease and magnitude of mortality impossible to accurately estimate. Thus, my study monitored hibernating bats in AZ to increase knowledge and investigate potential WNS impacts on these populations. Utilizing passive acoustic monitoring, internal cave surveys, environmental monitoring, and thermal imaging, my study quantified microclimate preferences, hibernation lengths, hibernation behaviors, population dynamics, and species compositions of bats hibernating in three north-central AZ caves. Hibernation lasted between 104 and 162 days, from late October through mid- March, during which time bats (primarily Corynorhinus townsendii and Myotis species) roosted at locations with an average of 4.7oC (range = -0.2oC – 12.1oC), 59.6% relative humidity (range = 39.6% - 75.9%), and 0.4 kPa water vapor pressure deficit (range = 0.2 kPa – 0.8 kPa). A maximum of 40 individuals were observed in any hibernacula and clustering behavior occurred in only 4.1% of torpid bats. Bats selected cold and dry roost sites within caves. Results suggest Pd could proliferate on some bats hibernating in colder areas of AZ hibernacula, yet the range of observed roost humidities was lower than optimal for Pd growth. Hibernation length in north-central AZ is longer than predicted for Myotis species at similar latitudes and may be long enough to pose over- winter survival risks if WNS emerges in AZ populations. Yet, a natural tendency for mid-winter activity, which I observed by multiple species, may allow for foraging opportunities and water replenishment, and therefore promote survival in bats utilizing these arid and cold habitats in winter. Additionally, the relatively solitary behaviors I observed, including virtually no clustering activity and a maximum of 40 bats per hibernacula, may keep rates of Pd transmission low in these Southwest bat populations.
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Accidental and Restored Wetlands of the Lower Salt River: A Portrait of Biodiversity and Community Composition Over a Decade of Urbanization

Urban wetland ecosystems provide myriad ecosystem services and are shaped by diverse social and ecological factors. In rapidly urbanizing parts of the desert Southwest, wetlands are especially vital. Across less than 60 km as it enters the Phoenix area, the

Urban wetland ecosystems provide myriad ecosystem services and are shaped by diverse social and ecological factors. In rapidly urbanizing parts of the desert Southwest, wetlands are especially vital. Across less than 60 km as it enters the Phoenix area, the Salt River is dammed, diverted, re-filled, clear-cut, restored, and ignored. This study documents how animal and plant communities in three perennially inundated reaches of the river changed over a decade under different social-ecological pressures. One wetland in the urban core is restored, another formed accidentally by human infrastructure, and the last is managed on the urban periphery. Surveys conducted since 2012 used point-count surveys to assess bird communities and visual encounter surveys to assess reptiles and amphibians. Plant communities were surveyed in 2012 and 2022 using cover classes. Between 2012 and 2022, accidental and restored wetlands close to the urban core displayed an increase in plant abundance, largely consisting of introduced species. While all sites saw an increase in plant species considered invasive by land management groups, both urban wetlands saw an increase in regionally native species, including plants that are culturally significant to local Indigenous groups. Reptile communities declined in richness and abundance in both urban sites, but birds grew in abundance and richness at the urban restored site while not changing at the urban accidental wetland. The non-urban site saw stable populations of both birds and herpetofauna. These trends in biotic communities reveal ecological tradeoffs under different management strategies for urban wetlands. These findings also create a portrait of wetland communities along a rapidly urbanizing arid river. As the Salt River watershed becomes more urbanized, it is important to establish a more empathetic and informed relationship between its plant and animal—including human—residents. To this end, these data were incorporated in a series of handmade paper artworks, crafted from the most abundant wetland plant species found at the study sites, harvested alongside local land management efforts. These artworks examine the potential of four common cosmopolitan wetland plants for papermaking, revealing the potential to align ecosystem management efforts with both materials production and fine arts. By using relief printmaking to visualize long-term ecological data, I explored an alternative, more creative and embodied way to engage with and visualize urban wetland communities. This alternate mode of engagement can complement ecological management and research to diversify disciplines and participants engaged with understanding and living alongside urban wetlands.
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Urban Pond Ecology at the Rio Salado Habitat Restoration Area

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When most people think of Phoenix, Arizona, they think of sprawling cityscapesand hot desert mountains full of saguaros and other cacti. They rarely think of water and fish, and yet, the Arizona landscape is home to many lakes, ponds, rivers and

When most people think of Phoenix, Arizona, they think of sprawling cityscapesand hot desert mountains full of saguaros and other cacti. They rarely think of water and fish, and yet, the Arizona landscape is home to many lakes, ponds, rivers and streams, full of both native fish and sportfish, including in the urban areas. According to the report by DeSemple in 2006, between the years 2001 and 2006, the Rio Salado Environmental Restoration Project worked to revitalize the dry river bed that runs through Phoenix, that included the construction of two urban ponds, the Demonstration Pond and the Reservoir Pond. At the start of this study, it was unknown what vertebrate species inhabited these ponds, but it was known that these urban ponds have been used to dump unwanted aquatic pets. The bluegill Lepomis macrochirus was found to reside in both ponds, and as it is such an important sportfish species, it was chosen as the focal species for these studies, which took place over periods in March, May, July, and September of 2021. Single-season occupancy models were used to attempt to determine how L. macrochirus, use the microhabitats within the system, and a multi-season model was used to estimate their recruitment, and seasonal changes in occupancy. In addition, this study also attempts to understand the size structures of the L. macrochirus population in the Reservoir Pond and the population in the Demonstration Pond, and if that size structure varies from March to September. As the populations of these ponds are physically isolated from one another, statistical tests were also done to determine if the size structures of the two populations of L. macrochirus differ from one another and found that the two populations do indeed differ from one another, but only during two of the sampling periods.
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Sea Turtle Revival


As the future for our planet it is our job to understand what is happening in our world especially in an age of technology. We have the world at our fingertips yet many of us do not know what is

As the future for our planet it is our job to understand what is happening in our world especially in an age of technology. We have the world at our fingertips yet many of us do not know what is happening around the world. Anthropogenic and natural threats are wreaking havoc on the sea turtle population from coral bleaching to bycatch(Shaver et al., 2020). We have come together as a population to reduce the amount of plastic straws in the oceans, but many have stopped there. Not realizing that sea turtles are keystone species that keep the oceans and the wildlife within it healthy (Why do sea turtles matter? 2020). All are listed under the Endangered Species Act but some of those most threatened species are the Kemp’s Ridley sea turtles, which are critically endangered and Leatherbacks which are endangered (Bandimere, 2020). Sea Life Survival is a board game that creates an interactive learning experience based on many different childhood favorite games. Learning takes on many forms and fun is definitely the best way to learn (de Freitas, 2018). This game provides a way to gain information while also experiencing an engaging and entertaining adventure. Understanding why people play games helped create a game that met the components of intention and enjoyment in order to produce a game that people would want to play (Hamari & Keronen, 2017). The purpose of the game is to spread information on sea turtles in a way that presents them in a light hearted way while still touching on the tragic life that some sea turtles succumb to. Future improvements to the game would include party packs which would showcase the new knowledge that has been discovered.

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Food Webs Across the Stream-Riparian Boundary: Disentangling the Influence of Hydrologic Variability and Resource Dynamics

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Spatial and temporal patterns of biodiversity are shaped, in part, by the resources available to biota, the efficiency of resource transfer through the food web, and variation in environmental conditions. Stream and riparian zones are dynamic systems connected through reciprocal

Spatial and temporal patterns of biodiversity are shaped, in part, by the resources available to biota, the efficiency of resource transfer through the food web, and variation in environmental conditions. Stream and riparian zones are dynamic systems connected through reciprocal resource exchange and shaped by floods, droughts, and long-term patterns in the quantity, timing, and variability of streamflow (flow regime). The interdependent nature of the stream-riparian ecosystem defies the scope of any single discipline, requiring novel approaches to untangle the controls on ecological processes. In this dissertation, I explored multiple mechanisms through which streamflow and energy flow pathways maintain the community and trophic dynamics of desert stream and riparian food webs. I conducted seasonal sampling of Arizona streams on a gradient of flow regime variability to capture fluctuations in aquatic communities and ecosystem production. I found that flow regime shapes fish community structure and the trajectory of community response following short-term flow events by constraining the life history traits of communities, which fluctuate in prevalence following discrete events. Streamflow may additionally constrain the efficiency of energy flow from primary producers to consumers. I estimated annual food web efficiency and found that efficiency decreased with higher temperature and more variable flow regime. Surprisingly, fish production was not related to the rate of aquatic primary production. To understand the origin of resources supporting aquatic and riparian food webs, I studied the contribution of aquatic and terrestrial primary production to consumers in both habitats. I demonstrated that emergent insects “recycled” terrestrial primary production back to the riparian zone, reducing the proportion of aquatic primary production in emergent insect biomass and riparian predator diet. To expand the concept of stream and riparian zones as an integrated ecosystem connected by resource cycling through the food web, I introduced a quantitative framework describing reciprocal interconnections across spatial boundaries and demonstrated strong aquatic-riparian interdependencies along an Arizona river. In this dissertation, I develop a novel perspective on the stream-riparian ecosystem as an intertwined food web, which may be vulnerable to unforeseen impacts of global change if not considered in the context of streamflow and resource dynamics.
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Environmental Perceptions: An Analysis of Snake Populations Surrounding Phoenix Neighborhoods and Resident Survey Responses

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Urban encroachment into traditional snake territories has long been underway; likely increasing snake sightings in urban neighborhoods. With increasing overlap, I ask if the perceptions of snakes are actually influencing urban residents to say that snakes are a significant problem

Urban encroachment into traditional snake territories has long been underway; likely increasing snake sightings in urban neighborhoods. With increasing overlap, I ask if the perceptions of snakes are actually influencing urban residents to say that snakes are a significant problem in their neighborhood today? I was interested in finding out whether or not there would be a positive correlation between the perception of snakes being a problem within a neighborhood and the actual number of sightings recorded. To address this, I used survey responses from 2017 regarding the risk perception of snakes from twelve neighborhoods within Maricopa County. These responses were then compared to the number of snake sightings within those same neighborhoods over a span of ten years using community science data from iNaturalist. The average results of the people who took the survey perceived that snakes were not a problem in their neighborhood. It was also found that in the outlying areas closer to natural snake habitat (desert preserves), a positive correlation between a higher survey response and a higher number of snake sightings could be seen. Overall, the conclusion of the data revealed that the perceptions of residents did not align with the actual number of snake sightings.

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