Designing Metabolite-based Therapies to Rewire Immunometabolism and Treat Autoimmune Rheumatoid Arthritis

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Autoimmunity develops when the immune system targets self-antigens within the body. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a common autoimmune disease, and its progression is characterized by pro-inflammatory immune cells rapidly proliferating, migrating, and infiltrating joint tissue to provoke inflammation. In order

Autoimmunity develops when the immune system targets self-antigens within the body. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a common autoimmune disease, and its progression is characterized by pro-inflammatory immune cells rapidly proliferating, migrating, and infiltrating joint tissue to provoke inflammation. In order to fulfill this taxing autoreactive response, an increase in energy metabolism is required by immune cells, such as dendritic cells (DCs). Therefore, a shift in DC energy reliance from the Krebs cycle toward glycolysis occurs. This metabolic shift phenotypically transitions DCs from anti-inflammatory properties toward an aggressive pro-inflammatory phenotype, in turn activating pro-inflammatory T cells and promoting RA pathogenesis. If the disease persists uncontrollably, further complications and eventual joint dysfunction can occur. Although, clinically approved drugs can prevent RA progression, they require frequent administration for temporary symptom relief. Furthermore, current approved biological products for RA are not known to have a direct modulatory effect on immunometabolism. Given that cellular metabolism controls immune cell function, this work aims to harness perturbations within RA immune cell energy metabolism and utilizes it as a therapeutic target by reprogramming immune cell metabolism via the delivery of metabolite-based particles. The two-time delivery of these particles reduced RA inflammation in a RA collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) mouse model and generated desired responses with long-term effects. Specifically, this work was achieved by: Aim 1 – developing and delivering metabolite-based polymeric microparticles synthesized from the Krebs cycle metabolite, alpha-ketoglutarate (aKG; termed paKG MPs) to DCs to modulate their energy metabolism and promote anti-inflammatory properties (in context of RA). Aim 2 – exploiting the encapsulation ability of paKG MPs to inhibit DC glycolysis in the presence of the CIA self-antigen (collagen type II (bc2)) for the treatment of RA in CIA mice. Herein, paKG MPs encapsulating a glycolytic inhibitor and bc2 induce an anti-inflammatory DC phenotype in vitro and generate suppressive bc2-specific T cell responses and reduce paw inflammation in CIA mice.
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Microfluidic Serologic Assay for Point of Care Detection

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Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection has a large burden on society. It is a causal agent of 99.7% of all cervical cancer cases. The prevalence of HPV infection worldwide is high, but the burden of HPV infections lies on less developed

Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection has a large burden on society. It is a causal agent of 99.7% of all cervical cancer cases. The prevalence of HPV infection worldwide is high, but the burden of HPV infections lies on less developed regions. Cervical cancer is not associated with immediate symptoms, screening methods are needed to detect HPV disease presence before lesions progress to cervical cancer. Protein biomarkers are a growing area of diagnostic medicine and facilitate the detection of disease at an early and treatable stage. Technologies for healthcare diagnostics often require laboratory space or expensive instrumentation, which are not feasible for point of care applications. In order for clinical diagnostics to advance in developing countries, low cost, rapid, portable, and easy to use point of care diagnostic tests are needed. The project adapts the Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISA) and Nucleic Acid-Programmable Protein Array (NAPPA) to a proof of concept assay for use in magnetic bead based microfluidics. The biomarker used for analyte detection was E7, as a strong correlation has been found between presence of E7 antibodies and development of advanced cervical cancer. It is demonstrated that magnetic microfluidic assay design for rapid detection of antibodies is amenable to fluorescence detection in point of care settings. The data demonstrates that the microfluidic assay is rapid, low-cost, specific, and relevant to serology detection. The assay detects antibody responses to analytes with the point of care reader system and is realized in an on chip capacity. With the integration of anti-GST capture antibodies conjugated to the magnetic beads in the microfluidic system, many analytes can be detected without large changes to the existing assay structure, which gives the ability to adapt the system to analytes of interest rapidly.
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Mutant P53-specific Differential Regulation of Yap1/Taz Proteins in Promoting Invasion of Mammary Epithelial Cells

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The TP53 tumor suppressor gene is the most frequently mutated gene in human cancers. In the highly aggressive triple negative breast cancer (TNBC), TP53 is mutated in 80% of cases. TNBC lacks viable drug targets, resulting in a low prognosis

The TP53 tumor suppressor gene is the most frequently mutated gene in human cancers. In the highly aggressive triple negative breast cancer (TNBC), TP53 is mutated in 80% of cases. TNBC lacks viable drug targets, resulting in a low prognosis (12.2% 5 year survivability rate). As such, the discovery of druggable targets in TNBC would be beneficial. Mutated p53 protein typically occurs as a missense mutation and often endows cancer cells with gain of function (GOF) properties by dysregulating metabolic pathways. One of these frequently dysregulated pathways is the Hippo/Yes-associated protein-1 (YAP1)/WW Domain Containing Transcription Regulator 1 (TAZ) tumor suppressor pathway. This study therefore analyzed the involvement of the Hippo/YAP1/TAZ pathway in p53-mediated breast cancer cell invasion. From an RNA-seq screen in MCF10A cell lines harboring different TP53 missense mutations, each with a differing invasive phenotype, components of the Hippo pathway were found to correlate with cell invasion. To this end, the active and inactive forms of YAP1 and TAZ were studied. Phosphorylated (inactive) YAP1 and TAZ are retained in the cytoplasm and eventually degraded. Unphosphorylated (active) YAP1 and TAZ translocate to the nucleus to activate TEAD-family transcription factors, inducing cell survival and proliferation genes leading to increased cell invasion. Using quantitative western blot analysis, it was found that inactive TAZ expression was lower in the most invasive cell lines and higher in the least invasive cell lines (p = 0.003). Moreover, the ratio of inactive TAZ protein to total TAZ protein was also shown to be predominantly lower in the invasive cell lines compared to the non-invasive lines (p = 0.04). Finally, active TAZ expression was primarily higher in p53-mutant invasive cell lines and lower in non-invasive p53 mutant cells. Additionally, although YAP1 and TAZ are thought to be functionally redundant, the pattern seen in TAZ was not seen in the YAP1 protein. Taken together, the results demonstrated here suggest that TAZ holds a more dominant role in governing TNBC cell invasion compared to YAP1 and further highlights TAZ as a potential therapeutic target in TNBC.
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TNF-superfamily arming and leukocyte based delivery of oncolytic myxoma virus in a syngeneic murine lung metastasis model

Lung metastatic cancers represent a major challenge in both basic and clinical cancer research. The ability to treat lung metastases to date has been challenging, current treatment paradigms are a mix of classic radiotherapy, chemotherapies and tumor-targeted therapies, with no

Lung metastatic cancers represent a major challenge in both basic and clinical cancer research. The ability to treat lung metastases to date has been challenging, current treatment paradigms are a mix of classic radiotherapy, chemotherapies and tumor-targeted therapies, with no one treatment that is effective for all tumors. Oncolytic viruses (OVs) represent a new therapeutic modality for hard-to-treat tumors. However, major questions still exist in the field, especially around how to therapeutically arm and deliver OVs to sites of disseminated tumors. To address this need, oncolytic myxoma viruses (MYXV) that expresses TNF superfamily member transgenes (vMYX-hTNF or vMyx-mLIGHT) were tested in an immunocompetent syngeneic lung metastatic murine osteosarcoma model. Three versions of this model were used; 1-an early intervention model, 2-an established tumor model, defined by both average tumor burden and failure of anti-PD-L1 and vMyx-TNF monotherapies, and 3-a late-stage disease model, defined by the failure the combination of vMyx-hTNF/PBMCs and anti-PD-L1 therapy. These three models were designed to test different questions about therapeutic efficacy of armed MYXV and delivery of MYXV to lung metastases. In the early intervention model, vMyx-hTNF was found to be an effective therapy, especially when delivered by leukocyte carrier cells (either bone marrow or PBMCs). Next, the combination of immune checkpoint inhibitors, including anti-PD-L1, anti-PD-1 and anti-CTLA-4, with vMyx-TNF/PBMCs were found to increase efficacy in treated mice compared to monotherapies. The established model was used to test potential synergy of vMyx-hTNF with anti-PD-L1 therapy. This model was defined by the failure of the monotherapies, however, in combination, treated mice survived significantly longer, and had lower average tumor burden throughout. This model was also used to test tumor specific delivery using ex vivo loaded PBMCs as carrier cells. Using MYXV expressing Tdtomato, PBMCs were found to deliver MYXV to tumors more effectively than free virus. In the most stringent late-stage disease model, vMyx-mLIGHT/PBMCs and vMyx-mLIGHT/PBMCs plus anti-PD-1 were tested and found to be efficacious where combination vMyx-TNF/PBMCs plus PD-1 failed. These results taken together show that TNFSF arming of MYXV, especially when delivered by autologous PBMCs, represents a new potential treatment strategy for lung metastatic tumors.
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Efficient Methods of Human Leukocyte Antigen Capture in a Point of Care Setting

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The Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) is a protein on the surface of cells that is a large component of the adaptive immune response as it helps recognize foreign pathogenic material. We wonder if a set of primers designed for each

The Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) is a protein on the surface of cells that is a large component of the adaptive immune response as it helps recognize foreign pathogenic material. We wonder if a set of primers designed for each HLA type could be used to amplify a wide spectrum of HLA to improve sequencing of HLA to improve HLA-typing access. We propose the use of an HLA allele panel to determine the pulldown capacity of the primers followed by MinION sequencing and also offer a multiplexing design for running 96 patients at once. Our results show that primers can capture Class I HLA alleles and typing was successful with an average alignment accuracy of 91.7%. In conclusion this method for HLA capture could be utilized for HLA-typing with material costs of under $3.00 per sample within 3 days.

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DNA Nanotechnology for Protein Co-Crystallization & Vaccine Delivery

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DNA nanotechnology is ideally suited for numerous applications from the crystallization and solution of macromolecular structures to the targeted delivery of therapeutic molecules. The foundational goal of structural DNA nanotechnology was the development of a lattice to host proteins for

DNA nanotechnology is ideally suited for numerous applications from the crystallization and solution of macromolecular structures to the targeted delivery of therapeutic molecules. The foundational goal of structural DNA nanotechnology was the development of a lattice to host proteins for crystal structure solution. To further progress towards this goal, 36 unique four-armed DNA junctions were designed and crystallized for eventual solution of their 3D structures. While most of these junctions produced macroscale crystals which diffracted successfully, several prevented crystallization. Previous results used a fixed isomer and subsequent investigations adopted an alternate isomer to investigate the impact of these small sequence changes on the stability and structural properties of these crystals. DNA nanotechnology has also shown promise for a variety biomedical applications. In particular, DNA origami has been demonstrated as a promising tool for targeted and efficient delivery of drugs and vaccines due to their programmability and addressability to suit a variety of therapeutic cargo and biological functions. To this end, a previously designed DNA barrel nanostructure with a unique multimerizable pegboard architecture has been constructed and characterized via TEM for later evaluation of its stability under biological conditions for use in the targeted delivery of cargo, including CRISPR-containing adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) and mRNA.

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Using Machine Learning to Objectively Determine Colorimetric Assay Results from Cell Phone Photos Taken Under Ambient Lighting

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Colorimetric assays are an important tool in point-of-care testing that offers several advantages to traditional testing methods such as rapid response times and inexpensive costs. A factor that currently limits the portability and accessibility of these assays are methods that

Colorimetric assays are an important tool in point-of-care testing that offers several advantages to traditional testing methods such as rapid response times and inexpensive costs. A factor that currently limits the portability and accessibility of these assays are methods that can objectively determine the results of these assays. Current solutions consist of creating a test reader that standardizes the conditions the strip is under before being measured in some way. However, this increases the cost and decreases the portability of these assays. The focus of this study is to create a machine learning algorithm that can objectively determine results of colorimetric assays under varying conditions. To ensure the flexibility of a model to several types of colorimetric assays, three models were trained on the same convolutional neural network with different datasets. The images these models are trained on consist of positive and negative images of ETG, fentanyl, and HPV Antibodies test strips taken under different lighting and background conditions. A fourth model is trained on an image set composed of all three strip types. The results from these models show it is able to predict positive and negative results to a high level of accuracy.

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A Research Review of The Neurological Complications of Ankylosing Spondylitis

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Neurological manifestations may be more prominent and have a larger role in ankylosing spondylitis than previously thought. Ankylosing Spondylitis is a rheumatic disease primarily identified by its autoinflammatory characteristics and is highly associated with the HLA-B27 gene. While it’s cause

Neurological manifestations may be more prominent and have a larger role in ankylosing spondylitis than previously thought. Ankylosing Spondylitis is a rheumatic disease primarily identified by its autoinflammatory characteristics and is highly associated with the HLA-B27 gene. While it’s cause is not yet fully understood and it’s symptoms widely vary, neurological impairment is not uncommon. The neurological manifestations of Ankylosing Spondylitis include but are not limited to pain sensitization, altered brain phenotype, and disrupted cardiac conduction. Central and peripheral nervous system involvement may be more significant than previously thought and have the potential to cause demyelinating diseases, spinal cord, and nerve root injuries. Altered connectivity throughout various regions within the brain further exemplify the need for a better understanding of the disease and better treatment development. Higher instances of depression and dementia were also reported and coincide with not only a less active lifestyle, but altered brain activity. Studies on cardiac conduction and arrhythmias in AS patients revealed parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system dysregulation. These studies have explored the possibility of new targets for treatment involving cardiac mechanisms. Treatments for diseases of a similar suspected pathology, new prospective targets for therapy, and a more thorough understanding of current treatments for the disease may be the key in providing more substantial relief. By further investigation in the role of the nervous system in Ankylosing Spondylitis, the disease may become more manageable for patients and greatly increase quality of life in the future.

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Developing a CRISPR-Mediated Knockout TCR Human T Cell Line for Use in Cloning Antigen-Specific T Cell Receptors

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Adoptive transfer of T cells engineered to express synthetic antigen-specific T cell receptors (TCRs) has provocative therapeutic applications for treating cancer. However, expressing these synthetic TCRs in a CD4+ T cell line is a challenge. The CD4+ Jurkat T cell

Adoptive transfer of T cells engineered to express synthetic antigen-specific T cell receptors (TCRs) has provocative therapeutic applications for treating cancer. However, expressing these synthetic TCRs in a CD4+ T cell line is a challenge. The CD4+ Jurkat T cell line expresses endogenous TCRs that compete for space, accessory proteins, and proliferative signaling, and there is the potential for mixed dimer formation between the α and β chains of the endogenous receptor and that of the synthetic cancer-specific TCRs. To prevent hybridization between the receptors and to ensure the binding affinity measured with flow cytometry analysis is between the tetramer and the TCR construct, a CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing pipeline was developed. The guide RNAs (gRNAs) within the complex were designed to target the constant region of the α and β chains, as they are conserved between TCR clonotypes. To minimize further interference and confer cytotoxic capabilities, gRNAs were designed to target the CD4 coreceptor, and the CD8 coreceptor was delivered in a mammalian expression vector. Further, Golden Gate cloning methods were validated in integrating the gRNAs into a CRISPR-compatible mammalian expression vector. These constructs were transfected via electroporation into CD4+ Jurkat T cells to create a CD8+ knockout TCR Jurkat cell line for broadly applicable uses in T cell immunotherapies.
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High-Throughput Antigen Screening via an Invariant Chain Fusion Protein & the MHC Class II Receptor

The human body’s immune system utilizes many different cell types, signaling proteins, and receptors to thwart an infectious pathogen from an individual. Adaptive immunity, particularly with CD4+ T cell lymphocytes & the MHC II receptor, was the focus of this

The human body’s immune system utilizes many different cell types, signaling proteins, and receptors to thwart an infectious pathogen from an individual. Adaptive immunity, particularly with CD4+ T cell lymphocytes & the MHC II receptor, was the focus of this paper by creating a custom destination vector plasmid, pFLIiP, which would contain a gateway cloning site and the nucleotides encoding the first 85 amino acids of the invariant chain protein upstream to provide a means of high-throughput antigen screening via the MHC II receptor and peptide processing pathway. The plasmid pFLIiP was successfully created and sequence verified. Both GFP and mCherry fluorescent proteins were inserted into pFLIiP via LR Clonase and successfully transfected into K562 cancer cells. Fluorescent activity read of a flow cytometer in conjunction with the differing pKa values of the two different fluorescent proteins suggested the fusion protein was in-frame and pFLIiP was successfully targeting the protein to the endosome.
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