You are here-a choreographic memoir exploring anxiety in the YouTube generation: interdisciplinary study as a therapeutic process

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You Are Here: A choreographic memoir exploring anxiety in the YouTube generation is an evening-length performance which began as an interdisciplinary exploration of the therapeutic properties of creative writing and creative movement. Throughout the creation of this performance, the choreographer

You Are Here: A choreographic memoir exploring anxiety in the YouTube generation is an evening-length performance which began as an interdisciplinary exploration of the therapeutic properties of creative writing and creative movement. Throughout the creation of this performance, the choreographer engaged in self-reflection from which arose the themes of anxiety, the Internet, and identity. As a result of this experience, she reached conclusions regarding her personal voice and agency, interdisciplinary art as therapy, the importance of dance as a coping mechanism in digital cultures, and a definition of the therapeutic process of choreographic memoir.
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Activating the creative, awakening the spirit: the making of a method

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This thesis document encapsulates the findings of my research process in which I studied my self, my artistic process, and the interconnectivity among the various aspects of my life. Those findings are two-fold as they relate to the creation of

This thesis document encapsulates the findings of my research process in which I studied my self, my artistic process, and the interconnectivity among the various aspects of my life. Those findings are two-fold as they relate to the creation of three original works and my personal transformation through the process. This document encapsulates the three works, swimminginthepsyche, applecede and The 21st Century Adventures of Wonder Woman, chronologically from their performance dates. My personal growth and transformation is expressed throughout the paper and presented in the explanation of the emergent philosophical approach for self-study as creative practice that I followed. This creative-centered framework for embodied transformation weaves spiritual philosophy with my artistic process to sustain a holistic life practice, where the self, seen as an integrated whole, is also a direct reflection of the greater, singular and holistic existence.
Date Created

School of Dance LIVE!


The ASU School of Dance presents School of Dance LIVE!, September 7-9, with works by dance faculty, performed at Galvin Playhouse.

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The Movement Factory: the bridge between dance, martial arts and athletics

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This paper outlines the three research projects that I performed between 2009-present: Slow Movement Training (SMT) lab, Self-education Through Embodied Movement (STEM), and the Athletic Movement Program (AMP). It first evaluates the major issues that spawned each research project, and

This paper outlines the three research projects that I performed between 2009-present: Slow Movement Training (SMT) lab, Self-education Through Embodied Movement (STEM), and the Athletic Movement Program (AMP). It first evaluates the major issues that spawned each research project, and then provides a framework for understanding the shift in the student-centered physical and mental movement practices that I developed in response to the need for reform. The content will address the personal and professional paradigmatic shift that I experienced through the lens of a practitioner and educator. It will focus heavily on the transitions between each of the projects and finally the emergence of the Athletic Movement Program. The focal point becomes one of community needs, alternate resources and hybrid-online classroom support. The paper concludes with an overview and content comparison between the one-size-fits-all model used within public movement education and Athletic Movement Programs' strengths and challenges.
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