The Backyard Biodiversity Project: What is in Your Backyard?

As urbanization continues, critical wildlife may be lost. Residential landscapes, that are friendly to wildlife, can help protect biodiversity and advance sustainability. Urbanites who landscapes their yards to attract wildlife, can also gain greater knowledge and appreciation of nature. This

As urbanization continues, critical wildlife may be lost. Residential landscapes, that are friendly to wildlife, can help protect biodiversity and advance sustainability. Urbanites who landscapes their yards to attract wildlife, can also gain greater knowledge and appreciation of nature. This project proposed an educational approach to encourage four households in the Victory Acres neighborhood in Tempe, Arizona to landscape their gardens with more than just aesthetics and food production as their goals. I developed a booklet on backyard biodiversity to provide the residents with information about the kinds of plants they could incorporate in their yards to attract pollinating species such as butterflies, bees, and birds. It was found that the process of using the guideline to change the landscaping of their yards, changed how the residents thought about gardening and biodiversity. All residents acquired a basic understanding of how important biodiversity is and the mutual dependence between humans and their ecosystem. The booklet also included information that enabled residents to use companion planting to increase yields, attract beneficial insects, control pests, and provide access to healthy, affordable, fresh, and chemical-free produce. These efforts contributed to the project’s goals of maximizing nature conservation efforts and reducing the disconnect between people and nature.
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