Assessment in Sustainability Education: Learning Towards Innovations in Transdisciplinary Practice

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The learning journey toward sustainability requires the generation of action-oriented knowledge to understand the progress and potential adaptation of strategies to facilitate collective transformation. One integral area where advancing these strategies is essential is higher education. While efforts in the

The learning journey toward sustainability requires the generation of action-oriented knowledge to understand the progress and potential adaptation of strategies to facilitate collective transformation. One integral area where advancing these strategies is essential is higher education. While efforts in the field have identified relevant learning objectives, pedagogies, and broader contributions for sustainability education to make, the sophistication of approaches to evaluating and enhancing collective learning has remained underdeveloped. This dissertation aimed to address this gap by exploring assessment in sustainability education, with the goal of supporting innovations in transdisciplinary practice by developing distinctive approaches for the field through deliberative processes that articulate design frameworks.The first study, Sustainability-Oriented Assessment, applied a formative intervention within an undergraduate course focused on professional skill development to demonstrate how a student-led rubric co-design process that drew from participative, normative, and integrative approaches contributed to student agency, expansive learning, and self-formation. The study demonstrated how students leveraged challenges and changing perspectives towards development as students and sustainability professionals. The second study, Boundary Crossings and Innovations, applied an exploratory action research approach within a community of practice of program leaders and instructors to identify barriers and possibilities for assessment practices, suggesting conceptual, practical, and logistical innovations. The strategies to enable these innovations focused on defining the field and articulating practice characteristics related to interdisciplinary approaches and transdisciplinary strategies, while meeting demands and facilitating innovations across course, program, and institutional levels. The third study, Assessment-Oriented Sustainability, applied a scoping literature review to develop a framework that integrates problem, solution, and learning orientations to sustainability by infusing educational purposes, processes, and principles to strengthen the efficacy of assessment approaches for transdisciplinary strategies. Insights from the three studies suggest that the practice of assessment plays multifaceted roles as it facilitates the design, implementation, and evaluation of sustainability endeavors. These roles include evaluative and formative functions as it appraises and advances learning, normative and deliberative functions in encouraging discussion and critical reflection, and adaptive and generative functions by indicating, motivating, and enabling dynamic learning and action for sustainability.
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Assessing the Development of Key Competencies in Sustainability

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Making significant progress on the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) needs change agents equipped with key competencies in sustainability. While thousands of sustainability programs have emerged at various educational levels over the past decade, there is, as of yet, no

Making significant progress on the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) needs change agents equipped with key competencies in sustainability. While thousands of sustainability programs have emerged at various educational levels over the past decade, there is, as of yet, no reliable way to assess if these programs successfully convey key competencies in sustainability. This dissertation contributes to addressing this gap in three ways. First, it reviews the body of work on key competencies in sustainability. Based on broad agreement around five key competencies as well as an emerging set of three, an extended framework is outlined that can be used as unified set of learning objectives across sustainability programs. The next chapter reviews the scholarly work on assessing sustainability competencies. Based on this review, a typology of assessment tools is proposed offering guidance to both educators and researchers. Finally, drawing on experience of the four-year “Educating Future Change Agents” project, the last chapter explores the results from a diverse set of competency assessments in numerous courses. The study appraises assessment practices and results to demonstrate opportunities and challenges in the current state of assessing key competencies in sustainability. The results of this doctoral thesis are expected to make a practical and scholarly contribution to the teaching and learning in sustainability programs, in particular with regards to reliably assessing key competencies in sustainability.
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Youth are the Present: An Analysis on the Different Experiences of Youth Climate Activists and Organizers in Arizona

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The goal of this paper is to serve as a case-study of the youth climate movement at the local level, focusing on how young activists and organizers in Arizona perceive their pathways, motivators, and barriers in the climate movement. In

The goal of this paper is to serve as a case-study of the youth climate movement at the local level, focusing on how young activists and organizers in Arizona perceive their pathways, motivators, and barriers in the climate movement. In order to answer my research question of ‘What are the different experiences of Arizona youth activists’ involvement in climate action?’, I conducted a case-study of 15 interviews with participants between the ages of 18-25 that varied in racial and gender identity, as well as the duration of their involvement. While this paper does not present a comprehensive view of all experiences of youth climate activists and organizers in Arizona, these interviews highlight the upbringing, background, and the degree of involvement of young climate organizers and activists, ultimately revealing their similar yet unique experiences in the climate movement. Even though further research, discussion, and opportunities are needed to better understand the youth climate movement as well as other emerging social movements, these participants represent the heart of the movement here in Arizona. This case-study sheds light on lived-experiences and urges readers to consider young climate activists and organizers’ varying perspectives on how to support, amplify, and implement their requests for a livable, intersectional, diverse, and inclusive future.
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Exploring Sustainability Literacy Through Nature Journaling in School Gardens

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Nature journaling in school gardens is a unique way to engage students in the natural world, providing time to notice, wonder, and observe through writing and drawing while engaging in environmental and sustainability learning. With the number of school gardens

Nature journaling in school gardens is a unique way to engage students in the natural world, providing time to notice, wonder, and observe through writing and drawing while engaging in environmental and sustainability learning. With the number of school gardens increasing in the United States, educators can benefit from understanding what students experience while participating in garden-based learning activities so they can adapt their teaching to fit the educational needs of their participants. School garden studies typically focus on measuring academic and health outcomes and nature journaling studies typically focus on educator experiences with one classroom. We facilitated a nature journaling study with four elementary classrooms in a public, Title I school in the desert southwest to explore student experiences while nature journaling in their school garden. Our findings show that nature journaling provides opportunities for students to engage in sustainability literacy by helping them to develop a sense of place in their school garden, inspire environmental stewardship, and practice systems thinking right outside their classrooms.

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Perceived Barriers and Benefits to Using Recycling Drop-Off Points in Asunción, Paraguay

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For waste management in Asunción, Paraguay to improve, so too must the rate of public recycling participation. However, due to minimal public waste management infrastructure, it is up to individual citizens and the private sector to develop recycling solutions in

For waste management in Asunción, Paraguay to improve, so too must the rate of public recycling participation. However, due to minimal public waste management infrastructure, it is up to individual citizens and the private sector to develop recycling solutions in the city. One social enterprise called Soluciones Ecológicas (SE) has deployed a system of drop-off recycling stations called ecopuntos, which allow residents to deposit their paper and cardboard, plastic, and aluminum. For SE to maximize the use of its ecopuntos, it must understand the perceived barriers to, and benefits of, their use. To identify these barriers and benefits, a doer on-doer survey based on the behavioral determinants outlined in the Designing for Behavior Change Framework was distributed among Asunción residents. Results showed that perceived self-efficacy, perceived social norms, and perceived positive consequences – as well as age – were influential in shaping ecopunto use. Other determinants such as perceived negative consequences, access, and universal motivators were significant predictors of gender and age. SE and other institutions looking to improve recycling can use these results to design effective behavior change interventions.

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Conversations with the Circular Consumer

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The circular economy is viewed as a solution to many of the environmental and social ills that the linear economy has exacerbated. Whether it is through refill solutions or redesigning a cardboard shipping container, fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) brands are

The circular economy is viewed as a solution to many of the environmental and social ills that the linear economy has exacerbated. Whether it is through refill solutions or redesigning a cardboard shipping container, fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) brands are rethinking the way their products are delivered to consumers through business model innovations that promote circularity. The consumer plays the important, often overlooked, role of enabler within circular business models. This study aims to increase broader understanding of what motivates circular consumption of fast-moving consumer goods while analyzing the relationship between motivators and the behaviors required to participate. Semi-structured interviews provide insights from consumers who are currently purchasing household cleansers from brands that operate with a circular business model. Results from this study highlight a group of consumers that are distinguished by their common desire to reduce their personal consumption of plastics. There is clear indication that these consumers are in fact seeking out ways to consume more sustainably. A significant subset of this group expresses concern regarding ingredients used in the products. Health concerns for themselves, their family, or a pet are driving a desire to understand product ingredients. There is evidence to indicate that the concern for personal consumption of plastics is being driven by information distributed via social media and supported by targeted advertisements for brands that address this concern.
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Dynamic Social Norms as an Intervention Tool for Reducing Food Waste in a Community Dining Setting

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As a cause of negative economic, societal, and environmental effects, food waste is increasingly being seen as a sustainability issue that needs to be addressed. Reduction of food waste is preferred to recycling because it reduces the financial burden and

As a cause of negative economic, societal, and environmental effects, food waste is increasingly being seen as a sustainability issue that needs to be addressed. Reduction of food waste is preferred to recycling because it reduces the financial burden and technological innovations needed to address the issue. While there are many different approaches to reduce food waste, this paper investigates dynamic social norms as an avenue for reducing food waste. Recent studies showcased the effectiveness of using dynamic social norms to reduce meat consumption and the use of to-go cups. However, there appears to be a gap in research that investigates the impact of dynamic social norms in U.S. university community dining settings. This study piloted the use of dynamic social norms to intervene in post-consumer food waste behaviors at Arizona State University. Specifically, this study compared food waste amounts in a location with and without an intervention tool as well as conducted interviews to monitor any self-reported behavior change. Results show that dynamic social norms can promote behavior change in terms of food waste when compared to a control location without the intervention. Further, this study advocates for monitoring food habits through both quantitative and qualitative analysis in order to identify potential behavior changes that could not be captured to the same extent by a mono-methodological approach.
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A look into the design process: theory driven design for behavior change

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As the designer is asked to design, create, or simply solve a problem, many factors go into that process. It generally begins with defining the scope or problem that undergoes an iterative process utilizing different tools and techniques to generate

As the designer is asked to design, create, or simply solve a problem, many factors go into that process. It generally begins with defining the scope or problem that undergoes an iterative process utilizing different tools and techniques to generate the desired outcome. This is often referred to as the design process. Notwithstanding the many factors that influence this process, this study investigates the use of theory for behavior change and its effect on the design process. While social behavioral theories have been extensively discussed in the realm of design, and a well-developed body of literature exists, there is limited knowledge about how designers respond to and incorporate theory into their design process. Fogg’s persuasive design (2003), Lockton’s design with intent (2009) and Tromp’s social implication framework (2011) stand as exemplars of new strategies developed towards design for behavior change that are able to empower designers’ mindsets, providing them with a uniquely insightful perspective to entice change. Instead of focusing on the effectiveness of the design end product, this study focuses on how theory-driven approaches affect the ideation and framing fragment of the design process. A workshop case study with senior design students was utilized with focused observations and post-workshop interviews to answer the research questions. This study contributes by providing a useful method of documenting a behavioral economics theory to the design process in a workshop setting. It also provides insights on how behavioral change theory application can be incorporated in a segment of the design process.
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The Potential Effects of Sustainability Education Training for Employees within a For-Profit Business Entity

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Over the past decade, corporate social responsibilities and sustainability has become more of a trending topic; not only amongst citizens, but within many private firms as well. Aligning operations with sustainable practices within a for-profit firm or organization has evolved

Over the past decade, corporate social responsibilities and sustainability has become more of a trending topic; not only amongst citizens, but within many private firms as well. Aligning operations with sustainable practices within a for-profit firm or organization has evolved into a critical focus area in order for a company to be more sustainable.
Having sustainable practices in place can be significant, but it is also important to consider employees and their perspectives, as they are the ones who implement them. The majority of the employees that work within an organization, not those that create these policies, are the ones who’s perspectives should be more strongly considered. In order to effectively implement these practices, firms can educate their employees about the initiatives or newly implemented changes to current practices. Sustainability education for employees, covering company-specific policies, improves the likelihood of participation within initiatives. Increased employee education has the potential to raise the probability that companies will see the benefits that come with enacting sustainable practices.
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Rethinking local food initiatives: A qualitative exploration of sustainability values, collective action and political perspectives

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Often characterized by intense commoditization, heavy ecological footprint, and monopolistic governance mechanisms, the present-day industrialized food system has contributed to a growing distrust among citizens around the world. In response to this, local food initiatives promoting sustainable food and agricultural

Often characterized by intense commoditization, heavy ecological footprint, and monopolistic governance mechanisms, the present-day industrialized food system has contributed to a growing distrust among citizens around the world. In response to this, local food initiatives promoting sustainable food and agricultural systems have formed. Little empirical research exists regarding how these local food initiatives think about their experience in relation a relevant conceptual framework. As such, this research entails the development of a conceptual framework based on Schlosberg and Cole’s (2015) sustainable materialist frame and literature regarding how local food initiatives may be characterized. This consists of sustainability values, collective action and political perspectives. Thirteen participants from two local food initiatives in Lüneburg, Germany were interviewed to provide in-depth insights into participant perceptions in relation to the three dimensions. Results indicate that participants exhibit strong values related to sustainability (e.g. knowledge of food origin, environmental concern, etc.), and appreciate the practical, collective work of the initiative. Additionally, a clash was found between initiative goals and participants’ perception of a lack of commitment and strong uniformity in the initiatives. Furthermore, many participants expressed political motivation and even perceived group actions as counter to the mainstream food system, although both initiatives did not identify as a politically motivated. This research sheds light on opportunities and barriers for initiative success and indicates the potential for the developed framework to serve as a lens for understanding other social initiatives aimed toward sustainability transformations.

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