An Electronic Waste Ecology of Knowledge: How Stakeholder Interactions Shape the Sociotechnical System of Use Electronics Management in the United States.

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This dissertation seeks to identify an ecology of knowledge to serve as a theoretical lens for understanding the state of the electronic waste management industry in the United States. Semi-structured interviews of stakeholder groups such as e-waste recyclers, manufacturers, government

This dissertation seeks to identify an ecology of knowledge to serve as a theoretical lens for understanding the state of the electronic waste management industry in the United States. Semi-structured interviews of stakeholder groups such as e-waste recyclers, manufacturers, government agencies, refurbishers, and other interested organizations were used to determine the current status of used electronics management in the US. The focus is on how the electronics reuse and recycling industry is being affected by the rapid changes in consumer electronic device technology as well as the lack of recycling infrastructure, insufficient consumer engagement with electronics reuse and repair, and inconsistent regulation. The stakeholders which are being impacted by the changing industry are also participating in shaping it either in terms of initiating the changes, or in how they are reacting and adapting to them. Furthermore, electronics reuse and recycling have been widely considered two aspects of the same industry despite increasing evidence of bifurcation and competition for material flows. Based on stakeholder response, the ecology of knowledge that exists within this industry suggests that recyclers should shift their business to incorporate more repair and resale in addition to recycling to remain profitable. Case studies involving participant observation, additional semi-structured interviews, and policy comparisons were utilized to serve as representations for the three primary stakeholder groups: electronics recyclers, electronics refurbishers, and government agencies regulating electronics recycling and e-waste disposal. These three stakeholder groups and their ability to capture electronics at the end of their useful life drive the percentage of discarded electronics which are recycled or reused. The used electronics infrastructure, institutions, and stakeholder networks along with the knowledge generated within make-up an ecology of knowledge which explains how changes in newer consumer electronic devices are antagonistic to recycling systems couched in a slow-to-change scrap industry. Intellectual property laws prevent the repair and reuse of used electronic devices. Finally, inconsistent, patchwork e-waste recycling laws do not sufficiently capture used electronics at the end of their useful life. These factors have had a significant impact on the larger socio-technical system of end-of-life consumer electronic device management in the United States.
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