The Vehicles of Empire: Mobilities across the Malay World in British, Indonesian, and Malaysian Fiction c. 1900

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The rapid development of the steamship, the railway, and everyday land vehicles in around 1900 in both Europe and the Malay world fueled the imagination of writers of British, Indonesian, and Malaysian fiction. With these vehicles incorporated into the narratives,

The rapid development of the steamship, the railway, and everyday land vehicles in around 1900 in both Europe and the Malay world fueled the imagination of writers of British, Indonesian, and Malaysian fiction. With these vehicles incorporated into the narratives, characters experience mobilities that shape the discourse of self, empire, and nations. This dissertation considers such experience through a comparative study of British literature on one side, which consists of Joseph Conrad’s works and other adventure fiction, and Indonesian and Malaysian fiction on the other, which include first-generation novels, to gain a better understanding of their convergence and divergence. I argue that both British and Malay characters see the steamship as a tool to incorporate, to borrow from Edward Said, “abroad” into life at “home.” But while British characters use the steamship for the consolidation of the empire, Malay characters use it in the process of state formation that undermines the empire. Both British and Malay characters see the railway as an effective tool to modernize the Malay world especially through the discipline of time management. But while British characters move away from the railway tracks to push to the next frontier and expand the empire, Malay characters circulate, following railway routes to embrace, even though sometimes “mimic,” modernity and progress. Both British and Malay characters see everyday land transportation as a tool to measure civilizations through characters’ sense of speed. But while British characters use it to establish, to paraphrase from Homi Bhabha, “a fixity of identity” and separate European and Malay civilizations, Malay characters use it to imagine a hybrid world where different civilizations share a space. These converging and diverging ideas about mobilities in British, Indonesian, and Malaysian fiction are essentially the convergence and the divergence between colonial and postcolonial worlds.
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