
SnackHax specializes in creating customized snack packages tailored to the needs of college students. Our packages include a variety of high-quality snacks designed to boost energy, support cognitive function, and promote overall wellness. With a focus on quality, affordability, and

SnackHax specializes in creating customized snack packages tailored to the needs of college students. Our packages include a variety of high-quality snacks designed to boost energy, support cognitive function, and promote overall wellness. With a focus on quality, affordability, and convenience, SnackHax aims to become the go-to source for students seeking nutritious and convenient snack packages. SnackHax is also looking to expand its product offerings to increase customer acquisition. SnackHax is dedicated to empowering college students to feel their best and fueling their success in their personal and professional life through a tailored set of affordable, convenient, and nutritious snack packages.
Date Created

SnackHax: A Founder's Lab Venture Enabling Students to Achieve Their Academic and Professional Goals Through Thoughtfully Crafted Snack Packages Tailored to Help Students Overcome Pain Points of the College Experience

SnackHax is a Founder's Lab venture that specializes in creating customized snack packages tailored to the needs of college students. Our packages include a variety of high-quality snacks designed to boost energy, support cognitive function, and promote overall wellness. With

SnackHax is a Founder's Lab venture that specializes in creating customized snack packages tailored to the needs of college students. Our packages include a variety of high-quality snacks designed to boost energy, support cognitive function, and promote overall wellness. With a focus on quality, affordability, and convenience, SnackHax aims to become the go-to source for students seeking nutritious and convenient snack packages. SnackHax is also looking to expand its product offerings to increase customer acquisition as well as expanding into other markets. Our thesis comprised of conducting market research and customer development to determine SnackHax's market fit and target customer. This was done through several tabling sessions on the Polytechnic and Tempe campuses where the team collected valuable data through the form of surveys, detailed observations, and Minimum Viable Products (MVPs). During the second semester, SnackHax finalized the products and began to offer them at the tabling events starting in the middle of February. Additionally, SnackHax made it into the New Venture Challenge course, led by Scott Wald, which helped further solidify the business and gain additional traction in the form of interest from investors. SnackHax finished the semester with 23 sales and a total revenue of $311.78.
Date Created