Self-Management Education and Arthritis Disability in the Underserved Latino Community

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The purpose was to implement a self-management program to decrease pain and disability and improve self-efficacy among low-income, Latino individuals diagnosed with arthritis.

All arthritis pain has the potential to impair mobility. Arthritis is the leading cause of disability among American

The purpose was to implement a self-management program to decrease pain and disability and improve self-efficacy among low-income, Latino individuals diagnosed with arthritis.

All arthritis pain has the potential to impair mobility. Arthritis is the leading cause of disability among American adults, with over 50 million individuals affected. The Latino population experiences a disproportionate incidence of disability attributable to arthritis compared to other populations. Evidence supports self-management education incorporating physical activity as a promising intervention for arthritis.

The intervention included a curriculum developed by the Arthritis Association, three teaching sessions, and a pre/post-test. Anticipated outcomes included decreased pain measured by the Pain Visual Numeric, decreased report of disability measured by the Stanford HAQ, and increased self-efficacy measured by the Arthritis Self-Efficacy Scale. The setting was a faith-based medical clinic that services the uninsured population located within Southwest Arizona. Participants included Spanish and English speaking adults diagnosed with arthritis.

Twelve participants were consented however, only eight participants completed the entire project. Although the mean pain score decreased, indicating reduced pain, it was not statistically significant (pretest- M=5.75 SD=3.19; posttest- M=5.25 SD=2.82; z (7)=-.11, p= .92). However, there was a statistically significant increase in reports of exercise after the intervention (pretest M=.83, SD=.39; posttest- M=.43, SD=.53; z (6)=-2.0, p =.046). This was in response to an non validated question developed by the primary investigator and co-investigator of, “Do you currently exercise?”.

Results include increases in reports of exercise post-intervention and decreased pain. The use of non-pharmacological interventions such as self-management to reduce pain and increase mobility in arthritic patients can help lessen the socioeconomic health disparity gaps.

Date Created