Pre-Prandial Insulin Administration

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Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a detrimental disease that afflicts approximately 23.6 million Americans and costs $176 billion dollars annually in direct medical expenses (American Diabetes Association [ADA], 2015). Approximately 208,000 children and adolescents with diabetes are under the age of

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a detrimental disease that afflicts approximately 23.6 million Americans and costs $176 billion dollars annually in direct medical expenses (American Diabetes Association [ADA], 2015). Approximately 208,000 children and adolescents with diabetes are under the age of 20 years (ADA, 105; CDC, 2014). Currently, the standard of medical practice in school-aged children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes is to administer insulin after the child or teen has eaten. The most current evidence has demonstrated a decrease hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c) and preference for pre-prandial insulin administration (Cobry et al., 2010; Danne et al., 2003; DePalma et al., 2011; Enander et al., 2012; Luijf et al., 2010; Scaramuzza et al., 2010).

This Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) project delivered an educational program for parents of school age children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes and instituted pre-prandial insulin administration as the standard of care in an outpatient pediatric endocrine clinic. Education was delivered in both verbal and written formats. Data collection included weekly blood glucose reports and HbA1c at initial and follow-up sessions. Descriptive statistics were utilized to analyze the data. No post intervention data was able to be collected due to participant drop out. Future directions to promote this practice change are discussed.

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Cystic Fibrosis Education for School Personnel

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Aim: The purpose of this project was to determine if educating elementary school personnel would improve their knowledge and self-efficacy in caring for students with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) and improve the health and educational outcomes of students with this disease.

Background: Evidence suggests

Aim: The purpose of this project was to determine if educating elementary school personnel would improve their knowledge and self-efficacy in caring for students with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) and improve the health and educational outcomes of students with this disease.

Background: Evidence suggests that teachers play a big role in the management of students with chronic illnesses. However, current literature indicates that teachers lack basic knowledge about childhood chronic illnesses and how to manage students with chronic illnesses. Synthesis of evidence indicated that an online CF educational intervention would improve knowledge and self-efficacy among school personnel, thereby improving the health and educational outcomes of students with CF.

Methods: Elementary school personnel in Southern Arizona were asked to do an online pre-survey to evaluate knowledge and self-efficacy, view a short presentation on cystic fibrosis, and complete a post-survey. Parents of students with CF were asked to track 504 plan use and CF related absences. Frequencies were used to evaluate participant demographic data and survey data. The McNemar and Wilcoxon Signed Test were used to analyze survey data.

Results: Analysis showed a statistically significant improvement in perceived knowledge (p = .024) and self-efficacy scores (p = .034). Although survey scores showed an average score improvement between pre-survey and post-survey total scores (p = .212), it was not statistically significant.

Conclusion: Results showed an overall improvement in CF knowledge and self-efficacy among elementary school personnel. These results may provide an opportunity for CF healthcare providers and schools to promote the health and education of students with CF.

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Adolescent motivation for healthy behaviors: a theory-based enhanced health curriculum for adolescents

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Adolescence is a period marked by significant physical, developmental, cognitive, and social changes, all of which contribute to health concerns for teens. A steady rise in life expectancy over the past two centuries is potentially diminishing due to the


Adolescence is a period marked by significant physical, developmental, cognitive, and social changes, all of which contribute to health concerns for teens. A steady rise in life expectancy over the past two centuries is potentially diminishing due to the increase in prevalence, severity, and consequences of obesity in children and adolescents related to unhealthy lifestyle behaviors. Health behaviors are often established during childhood and adolescence that continue into adulthood. The development and integration of healthy lifestyle behaviors are vital through adolescence. Self-determination theory (SDT) offers a theoretical framework for attempting to understand individual differences in motivation and behavior. Recent studies have primarily focused on how adolescents make choices related to eating behaviors, physical activity, and self-care habits, and how the resultant behaviors are measured. Participants in this study were 63 healthy adolescents enrolled in 9th grade health class. All participants provided baseline data at Time 1 and again following the five-week pretest posttest intervention study at Time 2. This study examined the utility of SDT in the development of the Adolescent Intrinsic Motivation, a healthy lifestyle behavior intervention, using the tenets of SDT to explain healthy lifestyle motivational beliefs in adolescents, along with healthy lifestyle behaviors and knowledge. The AIM intervention study introduced basic health recommendations to adolescents in an autonomy-supportive environment, which has been shown to encourage the adolescent to make healthy behavior choices based on their own interest and enjoyment. Preliminary effects of the study indicated that participants receiving the AIM intervention demonstrated significant differences in motivational beliefs, healthy lifestyle knowledge, as well as healthy lifestyle behaviors from Time 1 (baseline) to Time 2 (post-intervention). Results of this study provide support for the use of SDT to address the competence, relatedness, and autonomy of adolescents in the development of health education material. Testing this intervention in a larger, random sampling of schools within the state, or even in more than one state, with a three- or six-month follow-up would be useful in determining the longer-term effects of the intervention.
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TEXT2COPE program for parents of overweight or obese preschool-aged children

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Children are five times more likely to be overweight at the age of 12 years if they are overweight during the preschool period, and 60% of overweight preschoolers are overweight at the age of 12 years (Matusik & Malecka-Tendera, 2011).

Children are five times more likely to be overweight at the age of 12 years if they are overweight during the preschool period, and 60% of overweight preschoolers are overweight at the age of 12 years (Matusik & Malecka-Tendera, 2011). Primary care interventions are urgently needed to improve healthy lifestyle behaviors in families. Parental influence plays an important factor in the development of healthy behaviors in children. Cognitive behavioral interventions have demonstrated preliminary success in promoting healthy lifestyle behaviors in both adults and children. Mobile technology used to supplement interventions aimed at behavior change offers an outlet to bridge gaps in health disparities and generate innovative evidence. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to establish the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary effects of a cognitive-behavioral intervention (TEXT2COPE) synergized with mobile technology on the healthy lifestyle behaviors of parents of overweight and obese preschoolers. Primary aims of the proposed pilot study were to (a) examine the feasibility and acceptability of the TEXT2COPE program among parents of overweight or obese preschoolers with mobile phones; (b) evaluate the preliminary effects of the TEXT2COPE program on healthy lifestyle behaviors in families with overweight or obese preschoolers; and (c) evaluate the relationship among the study variables (i.e., cognitive beliefs, perceived difficulty, and healthy lifestyle behaviors). Findings indicate that this program is feasible and acceptable in this population. The intervention improved healthy lifestyle beliefs and behaviors in parents. Further supported are the interconnected relationships between parental beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors.
Date Created

The acceptability, feasibility, and preliminary effects of a cognitive behavioral skills building intervention in adolescents with chronic daily headaches

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ABSTRACT Approximately 3.5% of adolescents in the United States have chronic daily headache (CDH). Chronic daily headaches in adolescents are often refractory to the adult pharmacological interventions. And as a result, adolescents typically experience increased levels of stress, which exacerbates

ABSTRACT Approximately 3.5% of adolescents in the United States have chronic daily headache (CDH). Chronic daily headaches in adolescents are often refractory to the adult pharmacological interventions. And as a result, adolescents typically experience increased levels of stress, which exacerbates their headaches. Chronic daily headaches negatively impact both the adolescent and their family. Adolescents with CDHs frequently exemplify comorbid psychiatric symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and increased risk for suicide. Risk factors for CDH in adolescents have been well studied; however, few studies have focused on psychologically based interventions to enhance effective coping, positive mental health, and pain relief in this group of teens. Given the paucity of psychologically focused interventions in this group, further research is necessary to test and develop the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral skills building (CBSB) interventions. This pilot study focused on the use of a CBSB intervention that emphasized problem solving, cue recognition, effective communication, behavior modeling, cognitive reappraisal, stress management, effective coping, and positive thinking. A randomized controlled trial pilot study was conducted. The intervention group received a seven-week intervention focused on CBSB techniques and headache education, while the comparison headache education group received a seven-week program focused on basic headache hygiene measures (e.g., adequate sleep, adequate hydration, dietary triggers, environmental triggers). The total sample included 32 adolescents inclusive of the ages 13 and 17 years. Paired t-tests resulted in significant preliminary positive effects for COPE-HEP on anxiety, depression, beliefs, headache disability, headache frequency, and headache duration. Comparison group education resulted in significant preliminary positive effects on anxiety, depression, headache disability, headache frequency, headache pain level, headache duration, and medication frequency. There were no significant changes over time in means of parent perception of pain interference for both groups. Independent t-tests revealed that COPE-HEP teens had significantly less anxiety and headache duration at post-intervention. The acceptability of the COPE-HEP intervention with adolescents with CDHs in a specialty care setting is supported by this study, while the feasibility of conducting this study in a specialty care setting is partially supported. These findings support a need to refine the intervention and test both its short and long-term effects in a full-scale randomized controlled trial with adolescents who have CDHs.
Date Created