Is Culdesac the Template for a Walkable Valley of the Sun? A Critical Analysis of Future Potential

Phoenix, Arizona is a city characterized by intense urban sprawl: low-density, spread out, and disconnected development. Within the Phoenix Metropolitan Area comes a new development, Culdesac, that creates car-free living geared towards alternate transit methods. This new neighborhood offers a

Phoenix, Arizona is a city characterized by intense urban sprawl: low-density, spread out, and disconnected development. Within the Phoenix Metropolitan Area comes a new development, Culdesac, that creates car-free living geared towards alternate transit methods. This new neighborhood offers a more sustainable urban form that contrasts Phoenix and has potential to increase walkability in the city. After examining case studies of Vauban, Germany; Masdar City, Abu Dhabi; and Fruitvale, California as examples of sustainable development with a focus on alternate transit, this paper compares these examples to the future of Culdesac. A list of principles of walkability including public participation, scale, creativity, adherence to principles, government cooperation, and transportation help to guide this comparison and determine whether Culdesac is a possible method to increase sustainable urban form in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area.
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