A Unified Visual and Persistent RESTful Tool for Modular and Hierarchical Modeling

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Component-based models are commonly employed to simulate discrete dynamicalsystems. These models lend themselves to formalizing the structures of systems at multiple levels of granularity. Visual development of component-based models serves to simplify the iterative and incremental model specification activities. The

Component-based models are commonly employed to simulate discrete dynamicalsystems. These models lend themselves to formalizing the structures of systems at multiple levels of granularity. Visual development of component-based models serves to simplify the iterative and incremental model specification activities. The Parallel Discrete Events System Specification (DEVS) formalism offers a flexible yet rigorous approach for decomposing a whole model into its components or alternatively, composing a whole model from components. While different concepts, frameworks, and tools offer a variety of visual modeling capabilities, most pose limitations, such as visualizing multiple model hierarchies at any level with arbitrary depths. The visual and persistent layout of any number of hierarchy levels of models can be maintained and navigated seamlessly. Persistence storage is another capability needed for the modeling, simulating, verifying, and validating lifecycle. These are important features to improve the demanding task of creating and changing modular, hierarchical simulation models. This thesis proposes a new approach and develops a tool for the visual development of models. This tool supports storing and reconstructing graphical models using a NoSQL database. It offers unique capabilities important for developing increasingly larger and more complex models essential for analyzing, designing, and building Digital Twins.
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