Linking Thermal Environments, Body Condition, and Thermoregulatory Behavior to Predict the Performance of Lizards

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Environmental variation impacts physiological performance in animals. As a result, many animals thermoregulate to buffer unfavorable thermal variation in their environments. Animals are only expected to thermoregulate when the benefits outweigh the costs, although both are difficult to quantify. I

Environmental variation impacts physiological performance in animals. As a result, many animals thermoregulate to buffer unfavorable thermal variation in their environments. Animals are only expected to thermoregulate when the benefits outweigh the costs, although both are difficult to quantify. I examined how habitats and organismal factors shape thermoregulation and physiological performance in lizards. I found that habitat structure shapes opportunities for thermoregulation in two species of Anolis lizards. In dense tropical rainforests where there is low habitat heterogeneity, the range of available microclimates is narrow. Consequently, lizards in the tropics tend to be thermal specialists – performing best over a narrow range of temperatures. This phenotype should lead to decreased performance under climate warming. I then investigated the relationship between body condition, feeding, and thermoregulation in Yarrow’s spiny lizards (Sceloporus jarrovii) using lab- and field-based experiments. In the lab experiment, when lizards were observed in an artificial thermal gradient, neither body condition nor feeding status influenced the mean body temperature. When simulated costs of thermoregulation were higher, all lizards reduced thermoregulation similarly. However, when lizards were observed in an outdoor thermal arena, individuals with lower body condition decreased thermoregulatory performance, resulting in a lower mean body temperature. Animals with poor body condition may face greater risk of predation when thermoregulating. Finally, I conducted a comparative analysis to quantify relationships between the potential for thermoregulatory performance and empirical measures of productivity (i.e., growth rates and reproductive output) in lizard populations. A model that assumes lizards are active whenever preferred temperatures were available overestimated the duration that a lizard could maintain a preferred body temperature. As such, studies equating predicted thermoregulatory performance with fitness in the context of climate change should be interpreted cautiously. Overall, environmental factors and organismal traits shape the thermoregulatory behavior of animals, ultimately affecting their physiological performance and fitness. Biologists should consider these relationships when modeling the impacts of climate change on future performance.
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