Comparative Analysis of Hip Hop and Modern Dance


From steps seen on TikTok to Youtube, when examining the styles of trending current dances, it can be noted that there is a blend of different forms including modern and hip hop, the two most commonly seen styles in current

From steps seen on TikTok to Youtube, when examining the styles of trending current dances, it can be noted that there is a blend of different forms including modern and hip hop, the two most commonly seen styles in current pop culture. However, as the line between the two dance forms are often blurred, it can be difficult to identify the styles involved. To understand the two most seen styles in pop cultures - the qualities that distinguish them, and the qualities that allowed for the two dance styles to be smoothly integrated - a brief literature review along with an observational learning method involving courses and events focused on hip hop and modern class was conducted. It was found that despite the different backgrounds and techniques involved in both modern and hip hop, both dance styles embrace similar values of freedom, self-expression, and individuality. Since both dances embrace improvisation and freestyling with a de-emphasis on the costume or other structural restraints, they can be smoothly integrated and combined into a choreography.

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Exploration of Texture

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The paper is researching the subject of texture in dancing, and exploring the definition, causes, stories, and description of texture in different dance styles through daily training, choreography and improvisation. It’s also probing if different dance styles can integrate and

The paper is researching the subject of texture in dancing, and exploring the definition, causes, stories, and description of texture in different dance styles through daily training, choreography and improvisation. It’s also probing if different dance styles can integrate and connect naturally together without conflict. Also, the project is related to live music and recorded music, seeking more about the relationship between dance texture and music. The final 20 minutes piece contains video projection technology and live dance performance (improvisation and choreography), which went along with my creative idea and framework of my research on the various textures. The goal of my project is to understand and figure out the definition of the texture in dancing, to find out the reasons for the forming and appearance behind each dancer's distinctive texture with unique characteristics and qualities, to make attempts to find a way to analyze and describe the texture of their movements, and to know and explore what factors do influence the texture of their display. At the same time, I was exploring how to naturally connect the sound of the violin with the dance styles and textures, and how to interpret the violinist’s creating process through dance performances. In the process, each dancer is like a materialization of the violinist’s emotions and expressions. Using the appropriate combination of music and dance movements to express the violinist’s inner mental and emotional changes in the creative process.
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