Linking Anuran Occupancy and Relative Habitat Use to Environmental and Hydrological Variables in Arizona Wilderness Area Streams

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Riparian ecosystems comprise less than 2% of the landscape in the arid western U.S. yet provide habitat and resources to over half of arid-land wildlife species, including a broad diversity of anurans (frogs and toads). I surveyed anurans using passive

Riparian ecosystems comprise less than 2% of the landscape in the arid western U.S. yet provide habitat and resources to over half of arid-land wildlife species, including a broad diversity of anurans (frogs and toads). I surveyed anurans using passive acoustic monitoring to capture spring advertisement calls in wilderness area tributaries of the Verde River, Arizona, USA. In the spring and summer of 2021 and 2022, 13-29 autonomous recording units (ARUs) were deployed along perennial, intermittent, and ephemeral reaches across eight headwater streams. I characterized stream reaches based on the percent of pool, riffle, run, and side channel habitat within 100 meters of each ARU. I quantified substrate, discharge at 95% exceedance probability, flow width, and canopy cover at each site. To relate anuran occupancy and relative habitat use to environmental and hydrological variables, I evaluated acoustic data using single-species occupancy and Royle-Nichols and N-mixture (relative habitat use) models. Four species were detected in this study: canyon treefrog (Hyla arenicolor), red-spotted toad (Anaxyrus punctatus), Woodhouse’s toad (Anaxyrus woodhousii), and non-native American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus), with canyon treefrog being the most ubiquitous species observed. Occupancy of canyon treefrog was greater at perennial and intermittent sites compared to ephemeral sites, and presence of pool was the most important driver of canyon treefrog occupancy and relative habitat use. Notably, this study did not detect several species with historical records in the middle Verde River watershed, including Arizona toad (Anaxyrus microscaphus) and Northern leopard frog (Lithobates pipiens). Given climate change-related flow declines and intensifying demands for water in the Southwest, maintaining stream flows that provide consistent and suitable hydroregimes for anuran breeding and larval development is of increasing importance. Determining habitat use and flow regimes necessary to support anuran populations can aid in prioritization of conservation actions related to water management and predict how changes in water availability may impact stream-breeding anurans.
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Occupy ToadStreet: Occupancy and Habitat Use of the Arizona Toad in Streams of Arizona

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The Arizona toad (Anaxyrus microscaphus) is unique among bufonids because they primarily breed in streams of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Nevada. Arizona toad is a species of conservation concern throughout their range. The non-native northern crayfish (Orconectes virilis) are

The Arizona toad (Anaxyrus microscaphus) is unique among bufonids because they primarily breed in streams of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Nevada. Arizona toad is a species of conservation concern throughout their range. The non-native northern crayfish (Orconectes virilis) are opportunistic omnivores implicated in the declines of other native aquatic species. I wanted to determine occupancy, habitat use, and species interactions of the Arizona toad throughout its range Visual encounter surveys (VES) were completed by ASU and natural resource agency partners in the summers of 2021 and 2022 (n = 232) throughout Arizona toad range in Arizona. I used VES data and crayfish occurrence records, to determine interactions between the two species. I used broadscale environmental variables (1 km resolution) from WorldClim and EarthEnv to evaluate a relationship with Arizona toad occupancy across transects. These broadscale variables included bioclimatic variables, measures of habitat heterogeneity, measures of solar radiation, and topographic variables. In 2022 I collected fine-scale habitat data evaluating available vegetation cover and substrate composition within paired habitat plots. Fine-scale variables included canopy cover, substrate type, vegetation cover, and water depth. I applied multiple occupancy modeling approaches. Single-species model results found low toad occupancy, but high detection, as this is a rare species. Multi-species results showed no positive or negative relationship between Arizona toad and northern crayfish for both seasons. Two principal component analyses (PCA) were run on broadscale environmental variables and fine-scale habitat variables for 2021 and 2022, respectively, creating new synthetic variables for use in analysis. In 2021, the broadscale components were added to the single-species occupancy models and the top model included bioclimatic variables related to annual temperature range and precipitation. Arizona toad occupancy is lower with extreme hot temperatures and less precipitation. A logistic regression was run with the fine-scale habitat variables and the top model included PC1 and PC3. PC1 described elements related to riparian complexity, while PC3 described elements related to algae presence, including attached to cobble substrate. Arizona Toad select for certain habitats including canopy cover, shallow water, algae cover, and pebble cover. It is important to maintain riparian area habitat complexity and conserve habitat for the Arizona toad, a riparian stream specialist.
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