Allosteric Control of RNA Molecular Clamp through Mechanical Tension


Molecular engineering is an emerging field that aims to create functional devices for modular purposes, particularly bottom-up design of nano-assemblies using mechanical and chemical methods to perform complex tasks. In this study, we present a novel method for constructing an

Molecular engineering is an emerging field that aims to create functional devices for modular purposes, particularly bottom-up design of nano-assemblies using mechanical and chemical methods to perform complex tasks. In this study, we present a novel method for constructing an RNA clamp using circularized RNA and a broccoli aptamer for fluorescence sensing. By designing a circular RNA with the broccoli aptamer and a complementary DNA strand, we created a molecular clamp that can stabilize the aptamer. The broccoli aptamer displays enhanced fluorescence when bound to its ligand, DFHBI-1T. Upon induction with this small molecule, the clamp can exhibit or destroy fluorescence. We demonstrated that we could control the fluorescence of the RNA clamp by introducing different complementary DNA strands, which regulate the level of fluorescence. Additionally, we designed allosteric control by introducing new DNA strands, making the system reversible. We explored the use of mechanical tension to regulate RNA function by attaching a spring-like activity through the RNA clamp to two points on the RNA surface. By adjusting the stiffness of the spring, we could control the tension between the two points and induce reversible conformational changes, effectively turning RNA function on and off. Our approach offers a simple and versatile method for creating RNA clamps with various applications, including RNA detection, regulation, and future nanodevice design. Our findings highlight the crucial role of mechanical forces in regulating RNA function, paving the way for developing new strategies for RNA manipulation, and potentially advancing molecular engineering. Although the current work is ongoing, we provide current progress of both theoretical and experimental calculations based on our findings.

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