Maryvale High School in Historical Context


After doing projects at Maryvale High School with the director of the gifted program and her students, I was inspired to investigate if Maricopa County’s public school funding data would show a correlation between higher proportions of Hispanic/Latino students and

After doing projects at Maryvale High School with the director of the gifted program and her students, I was inspired to investigate if Maricopa County’s public school funding data would show a correlation between higher proportions of Hispanic/Latino students and less funding. The per-pupil expenditures were compared with the proportion of the student population that was Hispanic/Latino. I proposed that these two factors would show an inverse correlation in the public school districts of Maricopa County and in the high schools of the Phoenix Union High School District (PUHSD). This hypothesis was refuted, and no correlation was shown at the district level nor at the high school level. While there was little correlation between race/ethnicity and per-pupil expenditures, there were still huge disparities between the districts of Maricopa and among the high schools of PUHSD. These results might indicate the current state of public-school funding, but they are insufficient in describing the entirety of education in Maricopa. The lived experiences of the students I worked with indicated that they felt less privileged than their peers in both public and charter schools. Further research must be done to investigate how the inclusion of private schools, charter schools, and additional schools in Maricopa County influences these variables of race/ethnicity and per-pupil expenditures. Further research should also be done to compare different variables to race/ethnicity, such as rates of high school graduation and college acceptance.

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