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Empowering Change: The Impact of Educational Interventions on Incarcerated Youth

This research evaluates the impact of Cordero Holmes' "Me, You, Us Program (M.Y.U./MyU)" at the Durango Juvenile Facility, a 10-week educational intervention utilizing a workbook designed by Holmes. Participation in this program offers incarcerated youth direct benefits by fostering self-awareness,

This research evaluates the impact of Cordero Holmes' "Me, You, Us Program (M.Y.U./MyU)" at the Durango Juvenile Facility, a 10-week educational intervention utilizing a workbook designed by Holmes. Participation in this program offers incarcerated youth direct benefits by fostering self-awareness, empathy, and conflict resolution skills through self-reflective activities and social-emotional learning components. It empowers youth to break the cycle of criminal behavior by promoting a positive attitude towards education and providing tools for academic success. While acknowledging potential risks like emotional discomfort during self-reflection activities, this study aims to assess the effectiveness of the M.Y.U./MyU program in equipping incarcerated youth with the skills and mindset for successful reintegration into society and avoiding further criminal involvement.
Date Created

Executing the Death Penalty: A Policy Review of Our Most Severe Punishment


This report explores the United States’ continued use of the death penalty and the various costs of maintaining such a policy. This paper aims to investigate issues in the continued use of the death penalty and potential policy alternatives to

This report explores the United States’ continued use of the death penalty and the various costs of maintaining such a policy. This paper aims to investigate issues in the continued use of the death penalty and potential policy alternatives to this inhumane practice. To this end, topics such as constitutional law, crime control, and economic costs associated with the death penalty will be explored. Ultimately, due to patterns of racial and economic discrimination, a lack of evidence for a deterrent effect, the risk imposed on innocent defendants, and the economic cost of maintaining the status quo, it is suggested that the United States, at the very least places a federal moratorium on executions, while simultaneously encouraging states to do the same through the use of grants or mandates designed to lessen the cost of swapping to a life without parole or LWOP system could create on a state’s budget. Additionally, alternatives such as LWOP are explored as a means to address many of the concerns surrounding the death penalty.

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