An Introvert’s World: An Advocacy Campaign for Introvert Leadership from the Lens of an Introvert


Introversion is constantly misdefined, stigmatized, and viewed as a negative characteristic. Introverts face backlash for being reserved and feel overlooked when compared to an extrovert. Due to this issue, they are rarely considered for leadership positions even though they are

Introversion is constantly misdefined, stigmatized, and viewed as a negative characteristic. Introverts face backlash for being reserved and feel overlooked when compared to an extrovert. Due to this issue, they are rarely considered for leadership positions even though they are qualified. Through Susan Cain’s book, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, this discussion will focus on what introversion is, identify the historical background, analyze leadership, and create a marketing campaign to further advocate Cain’s message. Ultimately, this thesis aims to teach people what introverts are truly capable of and prove to society that introverts can succeed, thrive, and redefine leadership roles.

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