Combining learning with knowledge-rich planning allows for efficient multi-agent solutions to the problem of perpetual sparse rewards

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This work has improved the quality of the solution to the sparse rewards problemby combining reinforcement learning (RL) with knowledge-rich planning. Classical methods for coping with sparse rewards during reinforcement learning modify the reward landscape so as to better guide the learner.

This work has improved the quality of the solution to the sparse rewards problemby combining reinforcement learning (RL) with knowledge-rich planning. Classical methods for coping with sparse rewards during reinforcement learning modify the reward landscape so as to better guide the learner. In contrast, this work combines RL with a planner in order to utilize other information about the environment. As the scope for representing environmental information is limited in RL, this work has conflated a model-free learning algorithm – temporal difference (TD) learning – with a Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) planner to accommodate rich environmental information in the algorithm. In the perpetual sparse rewards problem, rewards reemerge after being collected within a fixed interval of time, culminating in a lack of a well-defined goal state as an exit condition to the problem. Incorporating planning in the learning algorithm not only improves the quality of the solution, but the algorithm also avoids the ambiguity of incorporating a goal of maximizing profit while using only a planning algorithm to solve this problem. Upon occasionally using the HTN planner, this algorithm provides the necessary tweak toward the optimal solution. In this work, I have demonstrated an on-policy algorithm that has improved the quality of the solution over vanilla reinforcement learning. The objective of this work has been to observe the capacity of the synthesized algorithm in finding optimal policies to maximize rewards, awareness of the environment, and the awareness of the presence of other agents in the vicinity.
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