Advances in Quantifying Climatic Influences on Mountain Landscape Evolution with Applications to the Tectonic Geomorphology of the Northern-Central Andes

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Mountain landscapes reflect competition between tectonic processes acting to build topography and erosive processes acting to wear it down. In temperate mountain landscapes, bedrock rivers are the primary erosional agent, setting both the pace of landscape evolution and form of

Mountain landscapes reflect competition between tectonic processes acting to build topography and erosive processes acting to wear it down. In temperate mountain landscapes, bedrock rivers are the primary erosional agent, setting both the pace of landscape evolution and form of the surrounding topography. Theory predicts that river steepness is sensitive to climatic, tectonic, and lithologic factors, which dictate the rates and mechanics of erosional processes. Thus, encoded into topography is an archive of information about forces driving landscape evolution. Decoding this archive, however, is fraught and climate presents a particularly challenging conundrum: despite decades of research describing theoretically how climate should affect topography, unambiguous natural examples from tectonically active landscapes where variations in climate demonstrably influence topography are elusive. In this dissertation, I first present a theoretical framework describing how the spatially varied nature of orographic rainfall patterns, which are ubiquitous features of mountain climates, complicate expectations about how climate should influence river steepness and erosion. I then apply some of these ideas to the northern-central Andes. By analyzing river profiles spanning more than 1500 km across Peru and Bolivia, I show that the regional orographic rainfall pattern this landscape experiences systematically influences fluvial erosional efficiency and thus topography. I also show how common simplifying assumptions built into conventional topographic analysis techniques may introduce biases that undermine detection of climatic signatures in landscapes where climate, tectonics, and lithology all covary – a common condition in mountain landscapes where these techniques are often used. I continue by coupling this analysis with published erosion rates and a new dataset of 25 cosmogenic 10Be catchment average erosion rates. Once the influence of climate is accounted for, functional relationships emerge among channel steepness, erosion rate, and lithology. I then use these functional relationships to produce a calibrated erosion rate map that spans over 300 km of the southern Peruvian Andes. These results demonstrate that accounting for the effects of climate significantly enhances the ability to decode channel steepness patterns. Along with this comes the potential to better understand rates and patterns of tectonic processes, and identify seismic hazards associated with tectonic activity using topography.
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