Integrating Field Data and Remote Sensing to Scale-Up Estimates of Coral-Reef Carbonate Production in Hawaiʻi

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Coral reefs provide essential social, economic, and ecological services for millions of people worldwide. Yet, climate change and local anthropogenic stressors are damaging reefs globally, compromising reef-building capacity, and therefore impacting functionality. Growth of coral reefs depends upon the production

Coral reefs provide essential social, economic, and ecological services for millions of people worldwide. Yet, climate change and local anthropogenic stressors are damaging reefs globally, compromising reef-building capacity, and therefore impacting functionality. Growth of coral reefs depends upon the production and maintenance of the reef framework when calcium carbonate production exceeds erosion, and utilization of remote sensing to scale-up estimates of reef carbonate production remains limited. This study provided a first field estimate of net carbonate production on Hawaiʻi Island, in Hōnaunau Bay, and used high-resolution benthic-cover data, derived from Global Airborne Observatory (GAO) airborne imaging spectroscopy, to scale-up estimates. Net carbonate production was, on average, 0.5 kg CaCO3 m-2 y-1 across the depth gradient, with the highest rates of approximately 2.4 kg CaCO3 m-2 y-1 at 6 m. Urchins, especially the abundant Echinometra, suppressed reef-accretion potential in the shallow reef (< 6 m) and urchin bioerosion decreased with depth. Critically, a threshold of ~26% live-coral cover is currently needed to maintain positive net production across depths. Scaling-up estimates were achieved using a 2 m resolution map of live-coral cover collected by the GAO. Overall, field measurements translate to average vertical reef growth of 0.5 mm y-1 across depths, whereas sea level is currently increasing at 3.55 mm y-1, suggesting the reef in its present status is not keeping pace with sea-level rise. This work lays the foundation to enhance monitoring of carbonate production over increased temporal and spatial scales with airborne imaging spectroscopy — to help determine where reefs are potentially keeping up with anthropogenic stressors, ocean warming, and sea-level rise — and to help inform restoration and management decisions that support resilient carbonate budgets of coral reefs.
Date Created

Spectral Signatures of Macroalgae on Hawaiian reefs.

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In Hawaiʻi, native macroalgae or “limu” are of ecological, cultural, and economic value. Invasive algae threaten native algae and coral that serve a key role in the reef ecosystem. Spectroscopy can be a valuable tool for species discrimination, while simultaneously

In Hawaiʻi, native macroalgae or “limu” are of ecological, cultural, and economic value. Invasive algae threaten native algae and coral that serve a key role in the reef ecosystem. Spectroscopy can be a valuable tool for species discrimination, while simultaneously providing insight into chemical processes occurring within photosynthetic organisms. The spectral identity and separability of Hawaiian macroalgal taxonomic groups and invasive and native macroalgae are poorly known and thus were the focus of this study. A macroalgal spectroscopic library of 30 species and species complexes found in Hawaiʻi was created. Spectral reflectance signatures were aligned with known absorption bands of division-specific photosynthetic pigments. Discriminant analysis was used to explore if taxonomic groups of algae and native versus invasive algae were separable. Discriminant analyses resulted in high overall classification accuracies. Algae were correctly classified based on taxonomic divisions 96.5% of the time and by species 83.2% of the time. Invasive versus native algae was correctly classified at a rate of 93% and higher. Analyses suggest there is spectral separability of algal taxonomic divisions and native-invasive status, which could have significant implications for coastal management. This study lays the groundwork for testing spectral mapping of native and invasive algal species using current airborne and forthcoming spaceborne imaging spectroscopy.
Date Created