The Supply Chain World and the Impacts Faced due to the COVID-19 Pandemic


The hit of the global COVID-19 pandemic altered the state of the world in ways that no one had predicted. The challenges that arose were not only limited to health concerns but went further into the political, social, and economic

The hit of the global COVID-19 pandemic altered the state of the world in ways that no one had predicted. The challenges that arose were not only limited to health concerns but went further into the political, social, and economic levels. There were countless industries that were impacted including manufacturing, hotels/restaurants, airlines, apparel, etc. With this pandemic there were greater level of setbacks for businesses than could have been expected to happen, which created consequences not only for the government but for the consumers as well. The government was inevitably handed the sudden increased responsibility of healthcare distribution as well as executing decisions for business closures and post-pandemic assistance for reopening. This paper will use data collected by several government sources and independent research bases to investigate the world before, during, and after the pandemic. With the information presented the goal is to give insights into what actually happened and shifted during the pandemic as well as what strategies are being implemented currently to help bounce back from the initial drastic hit. Alongside this it is hoped that a greater understanding of the challenges that are being faced shows where there could be more resources and focus provided in order to help both domestic and international businesses recover to pre-pandemic states.

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