Heart Rate Variability: Practical uses and its Impacts for Measuring Recovery


Heart Rate Variability is a measurement of the autonomic response to stimulation or the body's ability to adapt to changes in stimuli. Heart rate variability is a representation of stress reaction of the body, and so a higher heart rate

Heart Rate Variability is a measurement of the autonomic response to stimulation or the body's ability to adapt to changes in stimuli. Heart rate variability is a representation of stress reaction of the body, and so a higher heart rate variability is a higher overall state of health and higher resilience. Furthermore, with increased availability of devices, heart rate variability can be utilized to track and measure health, wellness and fitness. Therefore, there is great potential for application of heart rate variability to track levels of performance and adaptation to stress and training loads. Heart rate variability can be a very useful for individuals to have a greater understanding of overall resilience.

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