Algorithmic Solutions for Socially Responsible AI

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to drive us towards a future in which all of humanity flourishes. It also comes with substantial risks of oppression and calamity. For example, social media platforms have knowingly and surreptitiously promoted harmful content,

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to drive us towards a future in which all of humanity flourishes. It also comes with substantial risks of oppression and calamity. For example, social media platforms have knowingly and surreptitiously promoted harmful content, e.g., the rampant instances of disinformation and hate speech. Machine learning algorithms designed for combating hate speech were also found biased against underrepresented and disadvantaged groups. In response, researchers and organizations have been working to publish principles and regulations for the responsible use of AI. However, these conceptual principles also need to be turned into actionable algorithms to materialize AI for good. The broad aim of my research is to design AI systems that responsibly serve users and develop applications with social impact. This dissertation seeks to develop the algorithmic solutions for Socially Responsible AI (SRAI), a systematic framework encompassing the responsible AI principles and algorithms, and the responsible use of AI. In particular, it first introduces an interdisciplinary definition of SRAI and the AI responsibility pyramid, in which four types of AI responsibilities are described. It then elucidates the purpose of SRAI: how to bridge from the conceptual definitions to responsible AI practice through the three human-centered operations -- to Protect and Inform users, and Prevent negative consequences. They are illustrated in the social media domain given that social media has revolutionized how people live but has also contributed to the rise of many societal issues. The three representative tasks for each dimension are cyberbullying detection, disinformation detection and dissemination, and unintended bias mitigation. The means of SRAI is to develop responsible AI algorithms. Many issues (e.g., discrimination and generalization) can arise when AI systems are trained to improve accuracy without knowing the underlying causal mechanism. Causal inference, therefore, is intrinsically related to understanding and resolving these challenging issues in AI. As a result, this dissertation also seeks to gain an in-depth understanding of AI by looking into the precise relationships between causes and effects. For illustration, it introduces a recent work that applies deep learning to estimating causal effects and shows that causal learning algorithms can outperform traditional methods.
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