“Do I speak ‘better’ English?”: A Preliminary Investigation on the Relationship Between Interlocutors’ Nativeness, L2 English Speakers’ Self-perception, and Actual Speech Production

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This study examined how L2 English speakers interpreted the notion of native English speakers (NESs) and nonnative English speakers (NNESs) and whether nativeness would influence their self-perception and speech production. It aimed at filling the following research gaps. First, limited

This study examined how L2 English speakers interpreted the notion of native English speakers (NESs) and nonnative English speakers (NNESs) and whether nativeness would influence their self-perception and speech production. It aimed at filling the following research gaps. First, limited studies have explored how L2 English speakers view the other NNESs and position themselves regarding interlocutors’ nativeness. Second, self-perception has not been extensively studied as an independent construct. Third, the previous studies failed to examine how interlocutors’ nativeness influenced L2 English speakers’ speech production. Finally, although the social cognitive theory and the sociocultural theory have established a relationship between cognition, environment, and behavior, no studies have investigated this relationship empirically. An exploratory study, including interviews and surveys, was conducted. Eight Chinese international students participated in the interviews. Their speech was recorded through semi-structured interviews, where two interviewers, one NES and one NNES, asked about participants' college life. Participants’ speech data was coded and analyzed based on Complexity, Accuracy, and Fluency (CAF). Furthermore, 39 Chinese international students completed the survey to share their beliefs in the definition of NESs, their self-perceptions of speech production, and experiences interacting with NESs and NNESs. Statistical analysis and contextual analysis were used to interpret the survey responses. The research findings showed that, first, many participants still believed in the connotations of NESs that were criticized by scholars. Moreover, many participants preferred to talk with NESs than with NNESs. Second, more L2 English speakers in this study tended to think interlocutors’ nativeness influenced their speech production. However, interlocutors’ nativeness influenced their self-perceptions of speech CAF to different degrees. Third, the averages of participants' speech CAF with the NES interviewer differed from those with the NNES interviewer. This study offered some meaningful directions for future research on the definitions of NES/NNES, self-perception, and speech production. It also proposed some pedagogical implications for educators to instruct English more efficiently. Finally, this study called for scholars’ attention to change their research mindset, encouraging them to ground their research in people’s daily lives.
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