Analyzing Multi-viewpoint Capabilities of Light Estimation Frameworks for Augmented Reality Using TCP/IP and UDP

Realistic lighting is important to improve immersion and make mixed reality applications seem more plausible. To properly blend the AR objects in the real scene, it is important to study the lighting of the environment. The existing illuminationframeworks proposed by

Realistic lighting is important to improve immersion and make mixed reality applications seem more plausible. To properly blend the AR objects in the real scene, it is important to study the lighting of the environment. The existing illuminationframeworks proposed by Google’s ARCore (Google’s Augmented Reality Software Development Kit) and Apple’s ARKit (Apple’s Augmented Reality Software Development Kit) are computationally expensive and have very slow refresh rates, which make them incompatible for dynamic environments and low-end mobile devices. Recently, there have been other illumination estimation frameworks such as GLEAM, Xihe, which aim at providing better illumination with faster refresh rates. GLEAM is an illumination estimation framework that understands the real scene by collecting pixel data from a reflecting spherical light probe. GLEAM uses this data to form environment cubemaps which are later mapped onto a reflection probe to generate illumination for AR objects. It is noticed that from a single viewpoint only one half of the light probe can be observed at a time which does not give complete information about the environment. This leads to the idea of having a multi-viewpoint estimation for better performance. This thesis work analyzes the multi-viewpoint capabilities of AR illumination frameworks that use physical light probes to understand the environment. The current work builds networking using TCP and UDP protocols on GLEAM. This thesis work also documents how processor load sharing has been done while networking devices and how that benefits the performance of GLEAM on mobile devices. Some enhancements using multi-threading have also been made to the already existing GLEAM model to improve its performance.
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