Xylem Architecture in Giant Cacti Stems Follows Universal Scaling Theory

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Xylem conduits, a primary feature of most terrestrial plant taxa, deliver water to photosynthetic tissues and play a critical role in plant water relations and drought tolerance. Non-succulent woody taxa generally follow a universal rate of tip-to-base conduit widening such

Xylem conduits, a primary feature of most terrestrial plant taxa, deliver water to photosynthetic tissues and play a critical role in plant water relations and drought tolerance. Non-succulent woody taxa generally follow a universal rate of tip-to-base conduit widening such that hydraulic resistance remains constant throughout the plant stem. Giant cacti inhabit arid regions throughout the Americas and thrive in water-limited environments by complimenting water-storing succulent tissues with resource-efficient Crassulacean Acid Metabolism. Considering these adaptations, the objectives of this study were threefold: 1) determine whether xylem conduits in columnar cacti follow universal scaling theory as observed in woody taxa; 2) evaluate whether xylem hydraulic diameter is inversely correlated with xylem vessel density; and 3) determine whether xylem double-wall thickness-to-span ratio and other hydraulic architectural traits are convergent among phylogenetically diverse cactus species. This thesis investigates the xylem anatomy of nine cactus species native to the Sonoran Desert of Arizona and Mexico, the tropical dry forests of southern Mexico, and the Alto Plano region of Argentina. Soft xylem tissues closest to the stem apex underwent a modified polyethylene glycol treatment to stabilize for sectioning with a sledge microtome. Across all species: hydraulic diameter followed a basipetal widening rate of 0.21 (p < 0.001), closely matching the universal rate of 0.20 for woody taxa; and xylem vessel density was inversely correlated with both length from stem apex (p < 0.001) and hydraulic diameter (p < 0.001). Double-wall thickness-to-span ratio had little to no significant correlation with either length from stem apex or hydraulic diameter. There was no significant difference in hydraulic architectural trait patterns between phylogenetically diverse species with various stem morphologies, nor was there a significant correlation between conduit widening rates and volume-to-surface-area ratios. This study demonstrates that giant cacti follow similar internal anatomical constraints as non-succulent woody taxa, yet stem succulence and water storage behavior in cacti remain separate from internal hydraulic architecture, allowing cacti to thrive in arid environments. Understanding how cacti cope with severe water limitations provides new insights on evolutionary constraints of stem succulents as they functionally diverged from other life forms.
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Water relations of giant cacti of the Sonoran Desert

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As climate change continues, understanding the water use strategies and water relations of cacti becomes even more important in conservation. Cacti are not only one of the most threatened taxonomic groups but also ecologically important to desert ecosystems. Water conservation

As climate change continues, understanding the water use strategies and water relations of cacti becomes even more important in conservation. Cacti are not only one of the most threatened taxonomic groups but also ecologically important to desert ecosystems. Water conservation strategies vary among species of columnar cacti as a tradeoff between photosynthetic and water storage capacities, such as the different volume-to-surface-area ratios in Carnegiea gigantea and Stenocereus thurberi. These variations in water and growth relations could be associated with the basipetal xylem vessel widening pattern that has been observed in many woody plant species, and most recently in cacti as well. This phenomenon provides a buffer to the accumulation of hydrodynamic resistance in xylem vessels as the plant stem elongates, and in cacti, stem water storage tissues (cortex and pith) also provide a buffer. This thesis investigates the rate of basipetal xylem conduit widening in Carnegiea gigantea and Stenocereus thurberi, with the expectation that columnar cacti will show similar rates of widening as other plants. I found that while the xylem conduits in both species widened at significantly different rates, the rate of widening was much lower than expected. While there are a few possible explanations, such as buffering from the succulent cortex tissue, more research on cactus xylem anatomy and its reflection in plant water conduction strategies is needed.

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