Creating a Recyclable Car Wash System for Maasailand in Kenya: Creative Project

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Water scarcity has become an especially urgent problem in Maasailand. Maasailand is one of the major worldwide destinations for wildlife game drives in Africa. In this project, a recyclable car wash system is considered for design in Maasailand, Kenya. Background

Water scarcity has become an especially urgent problem in Maasailand. Maasailand is one of the major worldwide destinations for wildlife game drives in Africa. In this project, a recyclable car wash system is considered for design in Maasailand, Kenya. Background research was conducted to see the feasibility of the design. Water filtration methods such as coagulation were researched, analyzed and tested to ensure all the customer needs were met. The washing and collection aspects of the car wash were also further explored and designed. This joint project which is part of capstone is to also be implemented into the bigger project known as the Maasai Autotmotive Education Center and in support of the Mara Guide Association (MGA), an organization run by the Masaai people in Kenya.

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