STEAMtank: Chemical Science Museum

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STEAMtank is a project beneath that falls under the umbrella of InnovationSpace, an initiative of the Design School at Arizona State University. STEAMtank is the product of the product of the honors thesis of Abigail Peters, who envisioned a K-8

STEAMtank is a project beneath that falls under the umbrella of InnovationSpace, an initiative of the Design School at Arizona State University. STEAMtank is the product of the product of the honors thesis of Abigail Peters, who envisioned a K-8 STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) museum that was hosted on campus at ASU and was free to the community to promote STEAM education for underrepresented communities. STEAMtank is now in its second iteration, with six teams creating six attractions for the museum. Alongside these projects, presented here is a concept design for a museum exhibit focused entirely around chemistry, a particular branch of science that is lacking from all K-8 focused STEAM exhibits in Phoenix.

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