Familial Narratives & Personal Heritage: A collection of short biographies about growing up in the 1970s and the personal significance of ancestry.

Familial Narratives & Personal Heritage is a collection of four short biographies featuring my and my husband’s parents’ growing up in the 1970s and emphasizing the importance of personal ancestry. The project was completed in three phases. First, I interviewed

Familial Narratives & Personal Heritage is a collection of four short biographies featuring my and my husband’s parents’ growing up in the 1970s and emphasizing the importance of personal ancestry. The project was completed in three phases. First, I interviewed each primary source and secondary sources to collect the necessary data. Second, I created outlines and wrote initial drafts for each parent. Third, I edited, polished, and added photographs to the individual stories and tied together the overall product with an introduction and conclusion that discusses the personal heritage aspect of the project. The overall message relates to the importance that our ancestry has to our own existence.
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A Mirror Containing All It Seeth: Thomas Traherne's Contemplative Subject

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This thesis surveys several works of 17th-century English cleric, theologian, and poet Thomas Traherne (1636 or 1637 - 1674) to consider Traherne’s understanding of the contemplative self as formed in relation to a Divine Other, human Others, and natural objects.

This thesis surveys several works of 17th-century English cleric, theologian, and poet Thomas Traherne (1636 or 1637 - 1674) to consider Traherne’s understanding of the contemplative self as formed in relation to a Divine Other, human Others, and natural objects. The paper focuses on Traherne’s use of images of mirrors and reflection to illustrate the relationally developing self in primary works concerned with contemplative formation: the Centuries of Meditation and two poetic sequences describing the experiences and perceptions of the poet’s infant persona, contained within the Dobell manuscript and the Poems of Felicity. Jacques Lacan’s speculative theory of the stade du miroir is employed to illuminate Traherne’s conception of identity as structured, reversible desire for a perceived Other or Others. The project situates Traherne within a contemplative tradition originating in the sixth century with Maximus the Confessor that includes sensory contemplation of material objects as wellas spiritually or intellectually directed meditation. Finally, the paper considers the ethical implications of Traherne’s relational model of dynamic mirroring exchange as grounded in mutual perceptions of the Divine-in-Other and suggests areas for further research.
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“I Thought I Should Have Seen Some Hercules”: Rethinking Henry and the Destabilization of Masculinity in Shakespeare’s Henry VI Cycle

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In my thesis, I examine the character of Henry VI in Shakespeare's Henry VI cycle (1, 2, and 3 Henry VI) - who has been critically thought of as a feminine figure - in light of the Herculean Hero model

In my thesis, I examine the character of Henry VI in Shakespeare's Henry VI cycle (1, 2, and 3 Henry VI) - who has been critically thought of as a feminine figure - in light of the Herculean Hero model and against other male characters in the Henry VI plays. By comparing Henry to the Herculean model, there are points of similarity regarding character inaction - a feminine attribute - allowing Henry to become a more masculine figure than he has otherwise been criticized as.

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