Benefits of Medically Assisted Treatment in Opioid Use Disorder

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Introduction: For 2019 in the U.S. opioid overdose deaths neared 50,000 people. Increasing the number of Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) programs available for the population is important to address this crisis (NIDA, n.d.). Objective: To evaluate if MAT improves

Introduction: For 2019 in the U.S. opioid overdose deaths neared 50,000 people. Increasing the number of Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) programs available for the population is important to address this crisis (NIDA, n.d.). Objective: To evaluate if MAT improves retention rates for those with opioid use disorder (OUD) for one Arizona organization’s (AZOrg) seven treatment facilities. Methods: ASU IRB approval obtained, and de-identified data were abstracted from the electronic records of AZOrg, for a year, March 2020 to February 2021. The data included patient age, sex, date of admission, length of stay, substance abused, and if MAT (buprenorphine, naltrexone, Methadone) was prescribed. Intellectus statistical package was used for analysis. Results: Among 3261 patients with a mean age of 35.81(18-82) years, 1528 (46.85%) were admitted for OUD that included 371 (24.28%) females, 686 of whom (44.9%) received MAT. For those treated with MAT mean length of stay was 35.78 (SD 30.34) days compared to a mean of 27.46 (30.79) days for those without MAT treatment. This finding was significant, for all forms of MAT, based on a two-tailed Two-Tailed Independent Samples t-Test test, p<.001. Discussion/Conclusion: Increasing awareness about OUD and MAT is needed when providing care to patients with OUD. Providing organization-specific information regarding MAT benefits can enhance the adoption of this intervention and aid in the recovery of those being treated for OUD. This analysis did not include the possible confounding factors such as a history of incarceration, duration of OUD before admission, or structural differences of individual facilities.
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