Mating Biology, Social Structure, and the Evolution of Reproductive Conflict in Ants

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In many social groups, reproduction is shared between group members, whocompete for position in the social hierarchy for reproductive dominance. This reproductive conflict can lead to different means of enforcing reproductive differences, such as dominance displays or limited control of social hierarchy

In many social groups, reproduction is shared between group members, whocompete for position in the social hierarchy for reproductive dominance. This reproductive conflict can lead to different means of enforcing reproductive differences, such as dominance displays or limited control of social hierarchy through antagonistic encounters. In eusocial insects, archetypal colonies contain a single, singly-mated fertile queen, such that no reproductive conflict exists within a colony. However, many eusocial insects deviate from this archetype and have multiply-mated queens (polyandry), multiple queens in a single colony (polygyny), or both. In these cases, reproductive conflict exists between the matrilines and patrilines represented in a colony, specifically over the production of sexual offspring. A possible outcome of reproductive conflict may be the emergence of cheating lineages, which favor the production of sexual offspring, taking advantage of the worker force produced by nestmate queens and/or patrilines. In extreme examples, inquiline social parasites may be an evolutionary consequence of reproductive conflict between nestmate queens. Inquiline social parasitism is a type of social parasitism that is usually defined by a partial or total loss of the worker caste, and the “infiltration” of host colonies to take advantage of the host worker force for reproduction. It has been hypothesized that these inquiline social parasites evolve through the speciation of cheating queen lineages from within their incipient host species. This “intra- specific” origin model involves a foundational hypothesis that the common ancestor of host and parasite (and thus, putatively, the host at the time of speciation) should be functionally polygynous, and that parasitism evolves as a “resolution” of reproductive conflict in colonies. In this dissertation, I investigate the hypothesized role of polygyny in the evolution of inquiline social parasites. I use molecular ecology and statistical approaches to validate the role of polygyny in the evolution of some inquiline social parasites. I further discuss potential mechanisms for the evolution and speciation of social parasites, and discuss future directions to elucidate these mechanisms.
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