Predicting COVID-19 Using Self-Reported Survey Data

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Infectious diseases spread at a rapid rate, due to the increasing mobility of the human population. It is important to have a variety of containment and assessment strategies to prevent and limit their spread. In the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth

Infectious diseases spread at a rapid rate, due to the increasing mobility of the human population. It is important to have a variety of containment and assessment strategies to prevent and limit their spread. In the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth services including daily health surveys are used to study the prevalence and severity of the disease. Daily health surveys can also help to study the progression and fluctuation of symptoms as recalling, tracking, and explaining symptoms to doctors can often be challenging for patients. Data aggregates collected from the daily health surveys can be used to identify the surge of a disease in a community. This thesis enhances a well-known boosting algorithm, XGBoost, to predict COVID-19 from the anonymized self-reported survey responses provided by Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) - Delphi research group in collaboration with Facebook. Despite the tremendous COVID-19 surge in the United States, this survey dataset is highly imbalanced with 84% negative COVID-19 cases and 16% positive cases. It is tedious to learn from an imbalanced dataset, especially when the dataset could also be noisy, as seen commonly in self-reported surveys. This thesis addresses these challenges by enhancing XGBoost with a tunable loss function, ?-loss, that interpolates between the exponential loss (? = 1/2), the log-loss (? = 1), and the 0-1 loss (? = ∞). Results show that tuning XGBoost with ?-loss can enhance performance over the standard XGBoost with log-loss (? = 1).
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