Urban Heat Island Effect and Rodent Body Condition

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The built environment increases radiant heat exchange in urban areas by several degrees hotter compared to non-urban areas. Research has investigated how urbanization and heat affect human health; but there is scant literature on the effects of urban heat on

The built environment increases radiant heat exchange in urban areas by several degrees hotter compared to non-urban areas. Research has investigated how urbanization and heat affect human health; but there is scant literature on the effects of urban heat on wildlife. Animal body condition can be used to assess overall health. This parameter estimates the storage of energy-rich fat, which is important for growth, survival, and reproduction. The purpose of my research was to examine the Urban Heat Island effect on wild rodents across urban field sites spanning three strata of land surface temperature. Site level surface temperatures were measured using temperature data loggers and I captured 116 adult pocket mice (Chaetodipus spp. and Perognathus spp.) and Merriam’s kangaroo rats (Dipodomys merriami) to measure their body condition using accurate and noninvasive quantitative magnetic resonance. I used baited Sherman live traps from mid-May to early September during 2019 and 2020 in mountainous urban parks and open spaces over two summers. Rodents were captured at seven sites near the Phoenix metropolitan area; an ideal area for examining the effect of extreme heat experienced by urban wildlife. Results supported the prediction that rodent body condition was greatest in the cooler temperature stratas compared to the hottest temperature strata. I related rodent body condition to environmental predictors to dispute to environmental predictors to dispute alternative hypotheses; such as vegetation cover and degree of urbanization. Results based on measures of body fat and environmental predictors show pocket mice have more fat where vegetation is higher, nighttime temperatures are lower, surface temperatures are lower, and urbanization is greater. Kangaroo rats have more fat where surface temperature is lower. My results contribute to understanding the negative effects of extreme heat on body condition and generalized health experienced by urban wildlife because of the built environment. This research shows a need to investigate further impacts of urban heat on wildlife. Management suggestions for urban parks and open spaces include increasing vegetation cover, reducing impervious surface, and building with materials that reduce radiant heat.
Date Created

Relative Habitat Use, Occupancy, and Species Richness of Bats Across the Gradient of Urbanization in an Arid Region

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Urbanization is a primary driver of ecological change and occurs across a gradient from low- to high- density development. Wildlife species can exhibit different responses to urbanization, with some species being more sensitive than others. Further, wildlife communities can exhibit

Urbanization is a primary driver of ecological change and occurs across a gradient from low- to high- density development. Wildlife species can exhibit different responses to urbanization, with some species being more sensitive than others. Further, wildlife communities can exhibit varying patterns of species richness across the gradient of urbanization, where species richness can either decrease linearly or peak at intermediate levels of urbanization, consistent with the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH). For chapter one, the objective was to evaluate the response of bats to urbanization across seasons. It was predicted that bat species would exhibit different responses to urbanization and that bats would increase use of urbanized areas in the summer season, where food and water resources were assumed to be greater. For chapter two, the objective was to evaluate species richness of bats across the gradient of urbanization in the summer season. Species richness of bats was predicted to either decrease linearly or peak at moderate levels of urban intensity. To test these hypotheses, 50 sites across the gradient of urbanization were sampled during four seasons using stationary acoustic bat monitors. Fourteen bat species were identified during 1000 nightly occasions. Consistent with chapter one predictions, bat species exhibited different responses to urbanization, with most bats being sensitive to urbanization. Counter to predictions, most bats did not appear to shift their response to urbanization across seasons. However, two bats (i.e., big brown bat and Yuma myotis) exhibited higher use of urbanized areas in the summer compared to other seasons. Consistent with chapter two predictions, species richness of bats decreased with increasing urban intensity. Results from this study demonstrate that most bats in the community were sensitive to urbanization, which is potentially related to species traits and has important conservation implications. First, it is likely important to maintain high-quality undeveloped habitat with low anthropogenic disturbance in wildland areas for species that are sensitive to urbanization and to maximize species richness. In addition, for bats that are tolerant of urbanization and to increase species richness in urbanized areas, it is likely important to preserve resources in urbanized areas and increase landscape connectivity.
Date Created

Hibernation Ecology of Bats Using Three High-Elevation Caves in Northern Arizona: Implications for Potential White-nose Syndrome Impacts on Desert Southwest Species

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Desert ecosystems of the southwest United States are characterized by hot and arid climates, but hibernating bats can be found at high altitudes. The emerging fungal infection, white-nose syndrome, causes mortality in hibernating bat populations across eastern North America and

Desert ecosystems of the southwest United States are characterized by hot and arid climates, but hibernating bats can be found at high altitudes. The emerging fungal infection, white-nose syndrome, causes mortality in hibernating bat populations across eastern North America and the pathogen is increasingly observed in western regions. However, little is known about the ecology of hibernating bats in the southwest, which can help predict how these populations may respond to the fungus. My study investigated hibernating bats during two winters (2018-2019/2019-2020) at three caves in northern Arizona to: (1) describe diversity and abundance of hibernating bats using visual internal surveys and photographic documentation, (2) determine the duration of hibernation by recording bat echolocation call sequences outside caves and recording bat activity in caves using visual inspection, and (3) describe environmental conditions where hibernating bats are roosting. Adjacent to bats, I collected temperature and relative humidity, which I converted into absolute humidity. I documented hibernation status (i.e. active vs. not active) and roosting body position (i.e. open, partially hidden, and hidden). Between September 2018 and April 2019, 246 bat observations were recorded across the three caves. The majority of bats were identified as Myotis spp. (45.9\%, n=113), followed by Corynorhinus townsendii (45.5\%, n=112), Parastrellus hesperus (4.8\%, n=12), Eptesicus fuscus (3.6\%, n=9). Between September 2019 and April 2020, I documented a total of 361 bat observations across the three caves. C. townsendii was most prevalent (52.9\%, n=191), followed by the category P. hesperus/Myotis spp. (25.7\%, n=93), Myotis spp. (12.4\%, n=45), P. Hesperus (4.4\%, n=16), E. fuscus (3.6\%, n=13) and Unknown (0.8\%, n=3). Average conditions adjacent to bats were, temperature=12.5ºC, relative humidity=53\%, and absolute humidity=4.9 g/kg. Hibernating bats were never observed in large clusters and the maximum hibernating population size was 24, suggesting low risk for pathogen transmission among bats. Hibernation lasted approximately 120 days, with minimal activity documented inside and outside caves. Hibernating bats in northern Arizona may be at low risk for white-nose syndrome based on population size, hibernation length, roosting behavior, and absolute humidity, but other variables (e.g. temperature) indicate the potential for white-nose syndrome impacts on these populations.
Date Created