Trapped in Transparency: Analyzing the Effectiveness of Security Defenses in Real-World Scenarios

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Honeypots – cyber deception technique used to lure attackers into a trap. They contain fake confidential information to make an attacker believe that their attack has been successful. One of the prerequisites for a honeypot to be effective is that

Honeypots – cyber deception technique used to lure attackers into a trap. They contain fake confidential information to make an attacker believe that their attack has been successful. One of the prerequisites for a honeypot to be effective is that it needs to be undetectable. Deploying sniffing and event logging tools alongside the honeypot also helps understand the mindset of the attacker after successful attacks. Is there any data that backs up the claim that honeypots are effective in real life scenarios? The answer is no.Game-theoretic models have been helpful to approximate attacker and defender actions in cyber security. However, in the past these models have relied on expert- created data. The goal of this research project is to determine the effectiveness of honeypots using real-world data. So, how to deploy effective honeypots? This is where honey-patches come into play. Honey-patches are software patches designed to hinder the attacker’s ability to determine whether an attack has been successful or not. When an attacker launches a successful attack on a software, the honey-patch transparently redirects the attacker into a honeypot. The honeypot contains fake information which makes the attacker believe they were successful while in reality they were not. After conducting a series of experiments and analyzing the results, there is a clear indication that honey-patches are not the perfect application security solution having both pros and cons.
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Software-defined Situation-aware Cloud Security

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The use of reactive security mechanisms in enterprise networks can, at times, provide an asymmetric advantage to the attacker. Similarly, the use of a proactive security mechanism like Moving Target Defense (MTD), if performed without analyzing the effects of security

The use of reactive security mechanisms in enterprise networks can, at times, provide an asymmetric advantage to the attacker. Similarly, the use of a proactive security mechanism like Moving Target Defense (MTD), if performed without analyzing the effects of security countermeasures, can lead to security policy and service level agreement violations. In this thesis, I explore the research questions 1) how to model attacker-defender interactions for multi-stage attacks? 2) how to efficiently deploy proactive (MTD) security countermeasures in a software-defined environment for single and multi-stage attacks? 3) how to verify the effects of security and management policies on the network and take corrective actions?

I propose a Software-defined Situation-aware Cloud Security framework, that, 1) analyzes the attacker-defender interactions using an Software-defined Networking (SDN) based scalable attack graph. This research investigates Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) attacks using a scalable attack graph. The framework utilizes a parallel graph partitioning algorithm to generate an attack graph quickly and efficiently. 2) models single-stage and multi-stage attacks (APTs) using the game-theoretic model and provides SDN-based MTD countermeasures. I propose a Markov Game for modeling multi-stage attacks. 3) introduces a multi-stage policy conflict checking framework at the SDN network's application plane. I present INTPOL, a new intent-driven security policy enforcement solution. INTPOL provides a unified language and INTPOL grammar that abstracts the network administrator from the underlying network controller's lexical rules. INTPOL develops a bounded formal model for network service compliance checking, which significantly reduces the number of countermeasures that needs to be deployed. Once the application-layer policy conflicts are resolved, I utilize an Object-Oriented Policy Conflict checking (OOPC) framework that identifies and resolves rule-order dependencies and conflicts between security policies.
Date Created

Towards Advanced Malware Classification: A Reused Code Analysis of Mirai Bonnet and Ransomware

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Due to the increase in computer and database dependency, the damage caused by malicious codes increases. Moreover, gravity and the magnitude of malicious attacks by hackers grow at an unprecedented rate. A key challenge lies on detecting such malicious attacks

Due to the increase in computer and database dependency, the damage caused by malicious codes increases. Moreover, gravity and the magnitude of malicious attacks by hackers grow at an unprecedented rate. A key challenge lies on detecting such malicious attacks and codes in real-time by the use of existing methods, such as a signature-based detection approach. To this end, computer scientists have attempted to classify heterogeneous types of malware on the basis of their observable characteristics. Existing literature focuses on classifying binary codes, due to the greater accessibility of malware binary than source code. Also, for the improved speed and scalability, machine learning-based approaches are widely used. Despite such merits, the machine learning-based approach critically lacks the interpretability of its outcome, thus restricts understandings of why a given code belongs to a particular type of malicious malware and, importantly, why some portions of a code are reused very often by hackers. In this light, this study aims to enhance understanding of malware by directly investigating reused codes and uncovering their characteristics.

To examine reused codes in malware, both malware with source code and malware with binary code are considered in this thesis. For malware with source code, reused code chunks in the Mirai botnet. This study lists frequently reused code chunks and analyzes the characteristics and location of the code. For malware with binary code, this study performs reverse engineering on the binary code for human readers to comprehend, visually inspects reused codes in binary ransomware code, and illustrates the functionality of the reused codes on the basis of similar behaviors and tactics.

This study makes a novel contribution to the literature by directly investigating the characteristics of reused code in malware. The findings of the study can help cybersecurity practitioners and scholars increase the performance of malware classification.
Date Created