Digital Afterlife and Religion


This study investigates the impact of technology and social media on religious practices and beliefs concerning death and the afterlife. As the concept of a "Digital Afterlife" becomes more prevalent, questions surrounding its compatibility with religious belief systems and implications

This study investigates the impact of technology and social media on religious practices and beliefs concerning death and the afterlife. As the concept of a "Digital Afterlife" becomes more prevalent, questions surrounding its compatibility with religious belief systems and implications on privacy arise. The COVID-19 pandemic has intensified the issue, prompting social media platforms to develop digital wills, although their usage remains limited. This research seeks to explore how the Information Age is shaping the concept of the afterlife, its alignment with major religious belief systems, and perceptions of the digital afterlife across various societal groups. Furthermore, the study examines the role of social media in redefining religious values, norms, and boundaries, highlighting the importance of engaging in an ongoing conversation about the complex and evolving intersection of religion, technology, and death.

Date Created

The Role of Information and Communication Technology in Autism Care Case Study: Sudan

This research aims to serve as a starting point to the exploration of the current status of autism in Sudan and how to best utilize available Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to educate and support parents and educators. Currently, there

This research aims to serve as a starting point to the exploration of the current status of autism in Sudan and how to best utilize available Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to educate and support parents and educators. Currently, there is no official published data on the prevalence of autism in Sudan or the related available services and facilities. To attempt to expand upon the limited existing knowledge, the researcher collected all available data and information through Sudanese Facebook groups and pages. The research was observational in nature. Findings indicated that raising a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Sudan can be rather challenging, particularly for parents who do not have easy access to ASD treatment. In general, parents in this study expressed minimal satisfaction with the available treatments and services that their children were receiving. Parents repeatedly addressed problems regarding a lack of access, the overwhelming expense, and the need for more awareness and acceptance of autism within Sudanese society. In response to these issues, some of the parents formed small support groups and met regularly to share experiences and discuss solutions. Additionally, some parents are creating discrete Facebook pages to help normalize autism and combat misinformation.
Date Created