A Potential Mechanism for Nitrogen Storage in the Earth's Mantle Transition Zone


Although nitrogen is the dominant element in Earth’s atmosphere, it is depleted in the bulk silicate Earth (relative to expected volatile abundances established by carbonaceous chondrites). To resolve this inconsistency, it has been hypothesized that this “missing nitrogen” may actually

Although nitrogen is the dominant element in Earth’s atmosphere, it is depleted in the bulk silicate Earth (relative to expected volatile abundances established by carbonaceous chondrites). To resolve this inconsistency, it has been hypothesized that this “missing nitrogen” may actually be stored within the Earth’s deep interior. In this work, we use multi-anvil press experiments to synthesize solid solution mixtures of the mantle transition zone mineral wadsleyite (Mg2SiO4) and silicon nitride (Si3N4). Successful synthesis of a 90% Si3N4, 10% Mg2SiO4 solid solution implies that nitrogen may not be sequestered within the most abundant mineral phases in the Earth’s mantle. Instead, nitrogen-rich accessory phases may hold the key to studying nitrogen storage within the deep interior. Ultimately, quantifying the amount of nitrogen within the mantle will further our understanding of the N cycle, which is vital to maintaining planetary habitability. Similar N cycling processes may be occurring on other rocky bodies; therefore, studying nitrogen storage may be an important part of determining habitability conditions on other worlds, both within in our solar system and beyond.

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Statistical characterization of hot Jupiter atmospheres using Spitzer's secondary eclipses

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The 78 secondary eclipse depths for a sample of 36 transiting hot Jupiters observed at 3.6- and 4.5 μm using the Spitzer Space Telescope is here reported. Eclipse results for 27 of these planets are new and include highly irradiated

The 78 secondary eclipse depths for a sample of 36 transiting hot Jupiters observed at 3.6- and 4.5 μm using the Spitzer Space Telescope is here reported. Eclipse results for 27 of these planets are new and include highly irradiated worlds such as KELT-7b (Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope), WASP-87b (Wide Angle Search for Planets), WASP-76b, and WASP-64b, and important targets for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) such as WASP-62b. WASP-62b is found to have a slightly eccentric orbit (ecosω=0.00614±0.00058), and the eccentricities of HAT-P-13b (Hungarian Automated Telescope Project) and WASP-14b are confirmed. The remainder are individually consistent with circular orbits, but there is statistical evidence for eccentricity increasing with orbital period in this range from 1 to 5 days. Day-side brightness temperatures (Tb) for the planets yield information on albedo and heat redistribution, following Cowan and Agol (2011). Planets having maximum day side temperatures exceeding ∼2200 K are consistent with zero albedo and distribution of stellar irradiance uniformly over the day-side hemisphere. The most intriguing result is a detection of a systematic difference between the emergent spectra of these hot Jupiters as compared to blackbodies. The ratio of observed brightness temperatures, Tb(4.5)/Tb(3.6), increases with equilibrium temperature by 98±26 parts-per-million per Kelvin, over the entire temperature range in the sample (800K to 2500K). No existing model predicts this trend over such a large range of temperature. This may be due to a structural difference in the atmospheric temperature profile between the real planetary atmospheres as compared to models.
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