Hippocampal Contributions to the Temporal Dynamics of Behavior

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The capacity to track time in the seconds-to-minutes range, or interval timing, appears to be at least partially dependent on intact hippocampal (HPC) function. The current dissertation sought to dissociate timed responses, non-timed responses, and motivational aspects of behavior in

The capacity to track time in the seconds-to-minutes range, or interval timing, appears to be at least partially dependent on intact hippocampal (HPC) function. The current dissertation sought to dissociate timed responses, non-timed responses, and motivational aspects of behavior in order to propose a role of the HPC in specific timing sub-processes. In Chapter 2, effects of dorsal HPC (dHPC) lesions on temporal responding in a switch-timing task revealed a critical role of dHPC in the acquisition of interval timing criteria. Following dHPC lesions, the start time of responding was systemically shortened, in a manner that was enhanced and sustained when encoding a novel long interval, consistent with a memory-based account of dHPC function in timed responding. Chapter 3 investigated effects of chronic stress, which has been shown to reliably induce HPC dendritic retraction, on interval timing, utilizing response-initiated schedules of reinforcement, which facilitate deconvolution of timing and motivation. This revealed task-dependent effects on interval timing and motivation, where stress induced transient effects on motivation in a prospective timing task, but transient effects on the variability of timed responding in a retrospective timing task, consistent with an effect on memory function in interval timing. Chapter 4 sought to bring timed responding, motivation, and non-timed behaviors under stronger procedural control, through the implementation of a response-initiated timing-with-opportunity-cost task, in which a cost is imposed on temporal food-seeking by the presence of a concurrent source of probabilistic reinforcement. This arrangement garnered strong schedule control of behavior, and revealed individual-subject differences in the effects of reward devaluation, such that it affected motivation in some rats, but temporal responding in others. Using this methodology, Chapter 5 investigated initial temporal entrainment of behavior under pharmacological deactivation of dHPC and revealed its critical involvement in updating memory to new temporal contingencies. Together, data from this dissertation contrast with prior conclusions that the HPC is not involved in learning temporal criteria, and instead suggest that its function is indeed critical to encoding temporal intervals in memory.
Date Created

Effects of Skewed Probe Distributions on Temporal Bisection in Rats: Factors in the Judgment of Ambiguous Intervals

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Temporal bisection is a common procedure for the study of interval timing in humans and non-human animals, in which participants are trained to discriminate between a “short” and a “long” interval of time. Following stable and accurate discrimination, unreinforced probe

Temporal bisection is a common procedure for the study of interval timing in humans and non-human animals, in which participants are trained to discriminate between a “short” and a “long” interval of time. Following stable and accurate discrimination, unreinforced probe intervals between the two values are tested. In temporal bisection studies, intermediate non-reinforced probe intervals are typically arithmetically- or geometrically- spaced, yielding point of subjective equality at the arithmetic and geometric mean of the trained anchor intervals. Brown et al. (2005) suggest that judgement of the length of an interval, even when not reinforced, is influenced by its subjective length in comparison to that of other intervals. This hypothesis predicts that skewing the distribution of probe intervals shifts the psychophysical function relating interval length to the probability of reporting that interval as “long.” Data from the present temporal bisection study, using rats, suggest that there may be a within-session shift in temporal bisection responding which accounts for observed shifts in the psychophysical functions, and that this may also influence how rats categorize ambiguous intervals.
Date Created