Towards More Accessible Human-AI Interactions in Sequential Decision-making Tasks

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In today’s world, artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly becoming a part of our daily lives. For this integration to be successful, it’s essential that AI systems can effectively interact with humans. This means making the AI system’s behavior more understandable

In today’s world, artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly becoming a part of our daily lives. For this integration to be successful, it’s essential that AI systems can effectively interact with humans. This means making the AI system’s behavior more understandable to users and allowing users to customize the system’s behavior to match their preferences. However, there are significant challenges associated with achieving this goal. One major challenge is that modern AI systems, which have shown great success, often make decisions based on learned representations. These representations, often acquired through deep learning techniques, are typically inscrutable to the users inhibiting explainability and customizability of the system. Additionally, since each user may have unique preferences and expertise, the interaction process must be tailored to each individual. This thesis addresses these challenges that arise in human-AI interaction scenarios, especially in cases where the AI system is tasked with solving sequential decision-making problems. This is achieved by introducing a framework that uses a symbolic interface to facilitate communication between humans and AI agents. This shared vocabulary acts as a bridge, enabling the AI agent to provide explanations in terms that are easy for humans to understand and allowing users to express their preferences using this common language. To address the need for personalization, the framework provides mechanisms that allow users to expand this shared vocabulary, enabling them to express their unique preferences effectively. Moreover, the AI systems are designed to take into account the user’s background knowledge when generating explanations tailored to their specific needs.
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The Perception of Graph Properties In Graph Layouts

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When looking at drawings of graphs, questions about graph density, community structures, local clustering and other graph properties may be of critical importance for analysis. While graph layout algorithms have focused on minimizing edge crossing, symmetry, and other such layout

When looking at drawings of graphs, questions about graph density, community structures, local clustering and other graph properties may be of critical importance for analysis. While graph layout algorithms have focused on minimizing edge crossing, symmetry, and other such layout properties, there is not much known about how these algorithms relate to a user’s ability to perceive graph properties for a given graph layout. This study applies previously established methodologies for perceptual analysis to identify which graph drawing layout will help the user best perceive a particular graph property. A large scale (n = 588) crowdsourced experiment is conducted to investigate whether the perception of two graph properties (graph density and average local clustering coefficient) can be modeled using Weber’s law. Three graph layout algorithms from three representative classes (Force Directed - FD, Circular, and Multi-Dimensional Scaling - MDS) are studied, and the results of this experiment establish the precision of judgment for these graph layouts and properties. The findings demonstrate that the perception of graph density can be modeled with Weber’s law. Furthermore, the perception of the average clustering coefficient can be modeled as an inverse of Weber’s law, and the MDS layout showed a significantly different precision of judgment than the FD layout.
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