Understanding and Controlling Inelastic Energy Dissipation in Silicate Glasses

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Glasses have many applications such as containers, substrates of displays, high strength fibers and portable electronic display panels. Their excellent mechanical properties such as high hardness, good forming ability and scratch resistance make glasses ideal for these applications. Many factors

Glasses have many applications such as containers, substrates of displays, high strength fibers and portable electronic display panels. Their excellent mechanical properties such as high hardness, good forming ability and scratch resistance make glasses ideal for these applications. Many factors affect the selection of one glass over another for a given purpose such as cost, ingredients, scalability of manufacturing, etc. Typically, silicate based glasses are often selected because they satisfy most of the selection criteria. However, with the recent abundant use of these glasses in touch-based applications, understanding their abilities to dissipate energy due to surface contact loads has become increasingly desirable. The most common silicate glasses worldwide are glassy silica and soda lime. Calcium aluminosilicates are also gaining popularity due to their importance as substrates for display screens in electronic devices. The surface energy dissipation and strength of these glasses are based on several factors, but predominantly rely on ingredient composition and the so-called Indentation Size Effect (ISE), where the strength depends on the maximum surface force. Both the composition and ISE alter the strength and favored energy dissipation mechanisms of the glass. Unlocking the contribution of these mechanisms and elucidating their dependence on composition and force is the underlining goal of this thesis.Prior to cracking, silicate glasses can inelastically deform by shear and densification. However, the link between the mechanical properties, strength, glass structure and maximum force and the propensity by which either of these mechanisms are favored still remains unclear. In this study, the first aim is to elucidate the causes of the ISE and i explore the relationships between the ISE and the dissipation mechanisms, and identify what feature(s) of the glass can be used to infer their behavior. All glasses have shown a strong link between the ISE and shear flow and densification. Second, the link between composition and the dissipation mechanisms will be elucidated. This is accomplished by performing indentation tests coupled with an annealing method to independently quantify the amount of volume associated with each dissipation mechanism and elucidate relationships with ingredients and structure of the glasses. Some conclusions will then be presented that link all these behaviors together.
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Evaluation of the Performance of Multi-Component Cementitious Composites: Multi-Scale Experimental Characterization and Numerical Simulation

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Being a remarkably versatile and inexpensive building material, concrete has found tremendous use in development of modern infrastructure and is the most widely used material in the world. Extensive research in the field of concrete has led to the development

Being a remarkably versatile and inexpensive building material, concrete has found tremendous use in development of modern infrastructure and is the most widely used material in the world. Extensive research in the field of concrete has led to the development of a wide array of concretes with applications ranging from building of skyscrapers to paving of highways. These varied applications require special cementitious composites which can satisfy the demand for enhanced functionalities such as high strength, high durability and improved thermal characteristics among others.

The current study focuses on the fundamental understanding of such functional composites, from their microstructural design to macro-scale application. More specifically, this study investigates three different categories of functional cementitious composites. First, it discusses the differences between cementitious systems containing interground and blended limestone with and without alumina. The interground systems are found to outperform the blended systems due to differential grinding of limestone. A novel approach to deduce the particle size distribution of limestone and cement in the interground systems is proposed. Secondly, the study delves into the realm of ultra-high performance concrete, a novel material which possesses extremely high compressive-, tensile- and flexural-strength and service life as compared to regular concrete. The study presents a novel first principles-based paradigm to design economical ultra-high performance concretes using locally available materials. In the final part, the study addresses the thermal benefits of a novel type of concrete containing phase change materials. A software package was designed to perform numerical simulations to analyze temperature profiles and thermal stresses in concrete structures containing PCMs.

The design of these materials is accompanied by material characterization of cementitious binders. This has been accomplished using techniques that involve measurement of heat evolution (isothermal calorimetry), determination and quantification of reaction products (thermo-gravimetric analysis, x-ray diffraction, micro-indentation, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy) and evaluation of pore-size distribution (mercury intrusion porosimetry). In addition, macro-scale testing has been carried out to determine compression, flexure and durability response. Numerical simulations have been carried out to understand hydration of cementitious composites, determine optimum particle packing and determine the thermal performance of these composites.
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Experimental investigations and modeling of the strain sensing response of matrices containing metallic inclusions

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This study explores the possibility of two matrices containing metallic particulates to act as smart materials by sensing of strain due to the presence of the conducting particles in the matrix. The first matrix is a regular Portland cement-based one

This study explores the possibility of two matrices containing metallic particulates to act as smart materials by sensing of strain due to the presence of the conducting particles in the matrix. The first matrix is a regular Portland cement-based one while the second is a novel iron-based, carbonated binder developed at ASU. Four different iron replacement percentages by volume (10%, 20%, 30% and 40%) in a Portland cement matrix were selected, whereas the best performing iron carbonate matrix developed was used. Electrical impedance spectroscopy was used to obtain the characteristic Nyquist plot before and after application of flexural load. Electrical circuit models were used to extract the changes in electrical properties under application of load. Strain sensing behavior was evaluated with respect to application of different stress levels and varying replacement levels of the inclusion. A similar approach was used to study the strain sensing capabilities of novel iron carbonate binder. It was observed that the strain sensing efficiency increased with increasing iron percentage and the resistivity increased with increase in load (or applied stress) for both the matrices. It is also found that the iron carbonate binder is more efficient in strain sensing as it had a higher gage factor when compared to the OPC matrix containing metallic inclusions.

Analytical equations (Maxwell) were used to extract frequency dependent electrical conductivity and permittivity of the cement paste (or the host matrix), interface, inclusion (iron) and voids to develop a generic electro-mechanical coupling model to for the strain sensing behavior. COMSOL Multiphysics 5.2a was used as finite element analysis software to develop the model. A MATLAB formulation was used to generate the microstructure with different volume fractions of inclusions. Material properties were assigned (the frequency dependent electrical parameters) and the coupled structural and electrical physics interface in COMSOL was used to model the strain sensing response. The experimental change in resistance matched well with the simulated values, indicating the applicability of the model to predict the strain sensing response of particulate composite systems.
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