Do Street-level Bureaucrats Discriminate Based on Political Ideology? An Empirical Investigation

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Street-level bureaucracy (SLB) theory argues that public servants take shortcuts when making decisions about the delivery of public services. These shortcuts can lead SLBs to treat citizens unfairly. Public administration and political science researchers have found some evidence that street-level

Street-level bureaucracy (SLB) theory argues that public servants take shortcuts when making decisions about the delivery of public services. These shortcuts can lead SLBs to treat citizens unfairly. Public administration and political science researchers have found some evidence that street-level bureaucrats act in biased ways towards ethnic and racial minorities, citizens of lower socioeconomic status, and religious minorities. I expand on the SLB literature on discrimination by examining whether SLBs discriminate based on the political ideology of citizens. According to the Ideological-Conflict Hypothesis, individuals act in biased ways towards others whose political values conflict with their own. Using the Ideological-Conflict Hypothesis, I test whether SLBs working in local governments discriminate against citizens based on political ideology and whether discrimination is related to type of service delivery (e.g. needs based versus universal). I carry out two audit experiments to test for discrimination. One audit experiment tests for political ideology discrimination in a need-based program among a sample of public housing authorities in the United States (US). The sample is limited to areas where over 60% of citizens voted for the Democratic candidate in the 2020 Presidential Election (n = 274)—and where over 60% voted for the Republican candidate (n = 274). The other audit experiment tests for political ideology discrimination in the delivery of a universal service using a sample municipal parks departments in US cities. The sample is cities with over 25,000 residents where at least 60% of citizens in the county voted for the Democratic candidate in the 2020 Presidential Election (n = 227) and counties where at least 60% of citizens voted for Republican candidate (n = 227). The treatment signals that an email is from a conservative citizen, a liberal citizen, or a citizen with no identifiable political ideology. The results of my dissertation provide some support for the Ideological-Conflict Hypothesis and evidence indicates SLBs discriminate based on political ideology. The results do not find differences in political discrimination for needs-based public service delivery compared to universal public service delivery.
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Coping Resources for Public Employees: An Examination of Instrumental Leadership

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In recent years, public service has confronted the challenge of decreasing employee well-being, evidenced by increased burnout and turnover. One of the threats to employee well-being is the challenge of balancing increasing job demands and decreasing job resources. The imbalance

In recent years, public service has confronted the challenge of decreasing employee well-being, evidenced by increased burnout and turnover. One of the threats to employee well-being is the challenge of balancing increasing job demands and decreasing job resources. The imbalance between public servants’ job demands and resources has been exacerbated during a time of heightened stress due to a global pandemic. This perfect storm of imbalance along with the stressors from a global pandemic offers an opportunity to examine how public organizations and leaders can help employees maintain or improve workplace well-being. One way public employees can handle this imbalance between job demands and job resources is by relying on coping resources. Coping resources are personally and environmentally produced assets that work in conjunction with coping mechanisms to increase employee well-being. All job resources can be considered coping resources, but not all coping resources are job resources. Public organizations can leverage certain types of coping resources to reduce the impact of job demands and job resource imbalances, including resources that emanate from the organization itself, like leadership. Instrumental leadership helps employees address stressors by monitoring the environment, facilitating goal achievement, offering constructive feedback, and providing visionary leadership. To investigate the relationship between coping resources and employee well-being, I examine the relationship between coping resources and employee well-being, focusing on the relationship between instrumental leadership and burnout. In Chapters 1 and 2, I discuss my dissertation and review the theory behind this relationship. Chapter 3 examines the different types of coping resources (instrumental leadership, affective organizational commitment, self-efficacy, and social belonging) and the connection between each of the coping resources and markers of employee well-being (i.e., burnout and stress) as well as the mediating role of two coping mechanisms (self-distraction and planning). In Chapter 4, I review the dataset, which is a repeated measures design with two data points from city employees working in a large city in the southwest United States. Chapter 5 presents the analysis of these relationships. Chapter 6 summarizes my findings, shares the limitations of this research, and presents future ideas for research.
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Policy Adoption and Implementation in Local Governments: Evidence from Sustainability Policies and Practices

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This three-essay dissertation examines how local governments manage sustainability policies/practices and how these actions are shaped by their organizational, social, and institutional environment. The first essay uses a 2015 Local Government Sustainability Practices Survey to investigate how social media shapes

This three-essay dissertation examines how local governments manage sustainability policies/practices and how these actions are shaped by their organizational, social, and institutional environment. The first essay uses a 2015 Local Government Sustainability Practices Survey to investigate how social media shapes government sustainability plan and how its impact differs from other participatory mechanisms such as public hearings and advisory committees. Drawing from a theoretical framework of individualism-collectivism, the second essay uses data on local governments in the U.S. and Japan to conduct a cross-national comparative analysis. The study finds that governments embedded in a more individualism-oriented culture are more likely to adopt environmental management practices when facing growing external pressures. The final essay uses contingency theory to provide a dynamic view of how sustainability policies might be effectively integrated into the government’s working routines. It finds that the ways through which responsibility delegation affects policy implementation are contingent upon the government’s structural and cultural arrangement. Taken together, the dissertation coincides with the growing interest among public managers and researchers in enhancing government sustainability performance and outcomes. It provides an integrated and comprehensive investigation of the organizational, social, and institutional factors that shape the development and execution of sustainability policies and practices.
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Turnover and Career Outcomes of Scientists and Engineers

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Previous studies of turnover have focused mainly on factors influencing turnover intention or turnover behavior. Fewer studies delve into career outcomes after individuals’ turnover. However, turnover is not the end of the decision-making process. Due to the boundaryless career (Arthur,

Previous studies of turnover have focused mainly on factors influencing turnover intention or turnover behavior. Fewer studies delve into career outcomes after individuals’ turnover. However, turnover is not the end of the decision-making process. Due to the boundaryless career (Arthur, 1994) and extensive job mobility in the modern workforce (Stewart, 2002), it is timely to know the effect of turnover on individual career evolvement. The three essays in this dissertation will delve into turnover and career outcomes using data of the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) personnel in the United States. The first essay explores the effect of past voluntary and involuntary turnover on individuals’ job satisfaction, salary, and number of people supervised. The second essay compares gender differences in voluntary turnover patterns and the effects of voluntary turnover on career outcomes. The third essay delves into STEM personnel job mobility across the public, private, and nonprofit sectors, with a focus on sector switch and job satisfaction change.
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Gendered Expectations: How Informal Networks Shape Psychosocial Outcomes for STEM Faculty in Gendered Institutions

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Theories related to social identity provide insight on how gender may be meaningful in organizations. This dissertation examines how psychosocial outcomes for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) faculty are influenced by the proportion of women in productivity, support, and

Theories related to social identity provide insight on how gender may be meaningful in organizations. This dissertation examines how psychosocial outcomes for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) faculty are influenced by the proportion of women in productivity, support, and advice networks in gendered academic institutions. Psychosocial outcomes are defined as the psychological and social perspectives of the organizational environment. Gendered aspects in organizations are of theoretical importance because they provide opportunities to investigate how STEM faculty attain psychosocial outcomes. An underlying argument in gender literature is that women, compared to men, are more likely to provide emotional support. As women’s presence in STEM departments increases, STEM faculty are likely to rely on women to provide emotional support which may influence psychosocial outcomes of the work environment.

Universities are considered to be gendered organizational environments, where masculine and feminine characteristics are evident within their processes, practices, images, and through distribution of power. Universities are broadly categorized as two types: research focused and teaching focused universities. Both university types are deeply involved with the education of students but promotional standards for faculty members and the primary focus of these universities is dictated by the categorization of research versus teaching. University structuring is gendered, making them an ideal setting to investigate questions related to identity and psychosocial outcomes. Drawing from gendered theory, social identity theory, social network theory, and social capital theory, I ask the following research question: Does the proportion of women in informal networks influence psychosocial outcomes within gendered university settings?

To examine how psychosocial outcomes are influenced by informal networks, I use survey data from a 2011 National Science Foundation funded national survey of STEM faculty across universities in the United States (U.S.). I find that psychosocial outcomes vary by university type, faculty gender, and a high proportion of women in three types of academic informal networks. I conclude with a discussion about what the results mean for practice and future research.
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Three essays on bureaucracy at American research universities

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The three essays in this dissertation each examine how aspects of contemporary administrative structure within American research universities affect faculty outcomes. Specific aspects of administrative structure tested in this dissertation include the introduction of new administrative roles, administrative intensity (i.e.

The three essays in this dissertation each examine how aspects of contemporary administrative structure within American research universities affect faculty outcomes. Specific aspects of administrative structure tested in this dissertation include the introduction of new administrative roles, administrative intensity (i.e. relative size of university administration), and competing roles between faculty, administrators, and staff. Using quantitative statistical methods these aspects of administrative structure are tested for their effects on academic grant productivity, faculty job stress, and faculty job satisfaction. Administrative datasets and large scale national surveys make up the data for these studies and quantitative statistical methods confirm most of the hypothesized relationships.

In the first essay, findings from statistical modeling using instrumental variables suggest that academic researchers who receive administrative support for grant writing and management obtain fewer grants and have a lower success rate. However, the findings also suggest that the grants these researchers do receive are much larger in terms of dollars. The results indicate that administrative support is particularly beneficial in academic grant situations of high-risk, high-reward. In the second essay, ordered logit models reveal a statistically significant and stronger relationship between staff intensity (i.e., the ratio of faculty to staff workers) and faculty stress than the relationship between executive intensity (i.e., the ratio faculty to executive and managerial workers) and faculty job stress. These findings confirm theory that the work of faculty is more loosely coupled with the work of executives than it is with staff workers. A possible explanation is the increase in administrative work faculty must take on as there are fewer staff workers to take on administrative tasks. And finally, in the third essay results from multi-level modeling confirm that both role clarity and institutional support positively affect both a global measure of faculty job satisfaction and faculty satisfaction with how their work time is allocated. Understanding the effects that administrative structure has on faculty outcomes will aid universities as faculty administrative burdens ebb and flow in reaction to macro trends in higher education, such as unbundling of faculty roles, unbundling of services, neoliberalism, liberal arts decline, and administrative bloat.
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Evaluating Public Value Failure in the Nonprofit Context: An Interpretive Case Study of Food Banking in the U.S.

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In the U.S., one of the most affluent countries in the world, hunger and food waste are two social problems that coexist in an ironic way. Food banks have become one key alternative solution to those problems because of their

In the U.S., one of the most affluent countries in the world, hunger and food waste are two social problems that coexist in an ironic way. Food banks have become one key alternative solution to those problems because of their capacity to collect and distribute surplus food to those in need as well as to mobilize collective efforts of various organizations and citizens. However, the understanding of U.S. food banking remains limited due to research gaps in the literature. Previous public values research fails to address the key role of nonprofit organizations in achieving public values, while prior nonprofit and food bank studies suffer from insufficiently reflecting the value-driven nature in evaluating overall social impacts. Inspired by these gaps, this study asks the following question: how does food banking in the U.S. respond to public value failure?

To address this question, this study employs the interpretive approach as the logic of inquiry and the public value mapping framework as the analytic tool to contemplate the overall social impacts of U.S. food banking. Data sources include organizational documents of 203 U.S. food banks, as well as other public documents and literature pertaining to U.S. food banks.

Using public value mapping analysis, this study constructs a public value logic, which manifests the dynamics of prime and instrumental values in the U.S. food banking context. Food security, sustainability, and progressive opportunity are identified as three core prime public values. Instrumental values in this context consist of two major value categories: (1) intra-organizational values and (2) inter-and ultra-organizational values. Furthermore, this study applies public value failure criteria to examine success or failure of public values in this context. U.S. Food banks do contribute to the success of public sphere, progressive opportunity, sustainability and food security. However, the practice of U.S. food banks also lead to the failure of food security in some conditions. This study develops a new public value failure criterion based on the inherent limitations of charitable service providers. Main findings, contributions, and future directions are discussed.
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