The Effects of Moderate Chronic Sleep Restriction on Physical Activity Levels in Older Long and Average Duration Sleepers: A Secondary Analysis

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The relationship between sleep and physical activity is an area of growing scientific interest, particularly in the context of older adults. The importance of examining long sleep duration and its influence on physical activity in this demographic becomes increasingly relevant

The relationship between sleep and physical activity is an area of growing scientific interest, particularly in the context of older adults. The importance of examining long sleep duration and its influence on physical activity in this demographic becomes increasingly relevant given rising healthcare costs. This dissertation aims to investigate this intricate relationship via secondary analysis by examining the effects of moderate time-in-bed (TIB) restriction (60 minutes per night)) on various intensities of physical activity (sedentary, light, moderate, vigorous, moderate-vigorous physical activity) in older adults classified as long sleepers and average duration sleepers. It was hypothesized that moderate TIB restriction would result in differential changes in physical activity levels across various intensities, with long sleepers exhibiting increased physical activity and average sleepers displaying decreased activity, potentially influenced by alterations in TST (total sleep time) and SE (sleep efficiency). Utilizing a randomized controlled trial design, this study examined the effect of treatment changes in objectively measures activity (waist actigraphy) and subjects physical activity levels as measured by the Godin Leisure-Time Exercise Questionnaire . Eligible participants were long sleepers (sleeping > 9 hours per night) and average sleepers (sleeping 7-9 hours per night). Both types of sleepers were either randomized to TIB restriction or asked to maintain their average sleep patterns. Mean TIB restriction compared with baseline was 39.5 minutes in average sleepers and 52.9 minutes in long sleepers randomized to TIB restriction . Contrary to the original hypothesis, no significant effect of TIB restriction was observed across all physical activity levels in either long sleepers or average sleepers. However, a notable association was found between increased sleep efficiency (+0.09% [SD = ± 4.64%]) and light physical activity (±31 minutes [SD = ± 104.81, R=0.445, P < 0.007]) in long sleepers undergoing TIB restriction. While this study presents several methodological limitations, including its nature as a secondary analysis and the less-than-intended achievement of TIB restriction, it adds a valuable layer to the existing body of research on sleep and physical activity in older adults. The findings suggest that moderate TIB restriction may not be sufficiently impactful to change behavior in physical activity levels, thus highlighting the need for more nuanced, targeted research in this domain.
Date Created

Effects of physical activity on sleep in sedentary adults with sleep problems

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Physical activity is critical for optimal health and has emerged as a viable option to improve sleep. Moderate- and vigorous-intensity physical activity comparisons to improve sleep in non-exercising adults with sleep problems is limited. The purpose was to determine the

Physical activity is critical for optimal health and has emerged as a viable option to improve sleep. Moderate- and vigorous-intensity physical activity comparisons to improve sleep in non-exercising adults with sleep problems is limited. The purpose was to determine the effects of moderate- or vigorous-intensity exercise on sleep outcomes and peripheral skin temperature compared to a no-exercise control. The exercise intensity preference also was determined.

Eleven women (46.9±7.0 years) not participating in regular exercise and self-reporting insomnia completed a graded maximal exercise test followed by a crossover trial of three randomly assigned conditions separated by a 1-week washout. Participants performed moderate-intensity [MIC, 30 minutes, 65-70% maximum heart rate (HRmax)] or high-intensity (HIT, 20 minutes, 1-minute bouts at 90-95% HRmax alternating with 1-minute active recovery) treadmill walking or a no-exercise control (NEC) on two consecutive weekdays 4-6 hours prior to typical bed time. A dual-function wrist-worn accelerometer/temperature monitor recorded movement and skin temperature from which sleep-onset latency (SOL), sleep maintenance, sleep efficiency, total sleep time (TST), and peripheral skin temperature changes were calculated. Participants self-reported sleep outcomes weekly, enjoyment of exercise the morning after HIT and MIC, and exercise intensity preference upon completing all conditions. Mixed models analysis of variance examined differences between and within conditions controlling for demographic characteristics and habitual physical activity.

HIT resulted in up to a 90-minute TST increase on night four (448 minutes, 95% CI 422.4-474.2) compared to nights one-three. MIC nights three (43.5 minutes, 95% CI 30.4-56.6) and four (42.1 minutes 95% CI 29.0-55.2) showed nearly a 30-minute SOL worsening compared to nights one-two. No other actigraphy-measured sleep parameters differenced within or between conditions. Self-reported sleep outcomes, peripheral skin temperature change, and exercise enjoyment between conditions were similar (p>0.05). More participants preferred lower (n=3) to higher (n=1) intensity activities.

Early evening high-intensity and moderate-intensity exercise had no effect on sleep outcomes compared to a control in non-exercising adults reporting sleep complaints. Sleep benefits from HIT may require exercise on successive days. Participants indicated partiality for lower intensity exercise. More information on timing and mode of physical activity to improve sleep in this population is warranted.
Date Created