Investigation of Effects of a Mirror Presence of Self During Tactile Reaction Time Task

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From previous research, it has been observed that neural summation can be observed from reaction time tasks. This is observed through race models, as proposed by J.O. Miller. These models are referred to as “race models” as different stimuli “race”

From previous research, it has been observed that neural summation can be observed from reaction time tasks. This is observed through race models, as proposed by J.O. Miller. These models are referred to as “race models” as different stimuli “race” to extract a response during tasks. The race model is augmented by the Race Model Inequality, which claims the probability that two simultaneous signals will have a faster reaction time than the summation of the probabilities of two individual signals. When this inequality expression is violated, it indicates neural summation is occurring. In another study, researchers studied how the location of visual stimuli influences neural summation with tactile information, observing the visual stimuli from different distances and a mirrored reflection condition. However, results of the mirror condition did not follow the other visual conditions, offering unique properties. The mirrored case is examined more closely in this project, attempting to answer if the presence of a mirrored representation of the hand will affect reaction time during timed tasks, suggesting the occurrence of neural summation, and suggesting that a mirrored reflection of self is interpreted as an independent channel of information. This was measured by evaluating participants’ response time while manipulating the presence of a reflection and checking if they violate the race model. However, the results of this study indicated that the presence of a mirror does not have an effect in reaction time and therefore did not present the occurrence of neural summation

Date Created

Ultrasound modulation of the central and peripheral nervous system

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Noninvasive neuromodulation could help treat many neurological disorders, but existing techniques have low resolution and weak penetration. Ultrasound (US) shows promise for stimulation of smaller areas and subcortical structures. However, the mechanism and parameter design are not understood. US can

Noninvasive neuromodulation could help treat many neurological disorders, but existing techniques have low resolution and weak penetration. Ultrasound (US) shows promise for stimulation of smaller areas and subcortical structures. However, the mechanism and parameter design are not understood. US can stimulate tail and hindlimb movements in rats, but not forelimb, for unknown reasons. Potentially, US could also stimulate peripheral or enteric neurons for control of blood glucose.

To better understand the inconsistent effects across rat motor cortex, US modulation of electrically-evoked movements was tested. A stimulation array was implanted on the cortical surface and US (200 kHz, 30-60 W/cm2 peak) was applied while measuring changes in the evoked forelimb and hindlimb movements. Direct US stimulation of the hindlimb was also studied. To test peripheral effects, rat blood glucose levels were measured while applying US near the liver.

No short-term motor modulation was visible (95% confidence interval: -3.5% to +5.1% forelimb, -3.8% to +5.5% hindlimb). There was significant long-term (minutes-order) suppression (95% confidence interval: -3.7% to -10.8% forelimb, -3.8% to -11.9% hindlimb). This suppression may be due to the considerable heating (+1.8°C between US
on-US conditions); effects of heat and US were not separable in this experiment. US directly evoked hindlimb and scrotum movements in some sessions. This required a long interval, at least 3 seconds between US bursts. Movement could be evoked with much shorter pulses than used in literature (3 ms). The EMG latency (10 ms) was compatible with activation of corticospinal neurons. The glucose modulation test showed a strong increase in a few trials, but across all trials found no significant effect.

The single motor response and the long refractory period together suggest that only the beginning of the US burst had a stimulatory effect. This would explain the lack of short-term modulation, and suggests future work with shorter pulses could better explore the missing forelimb response. During the refractory period there was no change in the electrically-evoked response, which suggests the US stimulation mechanism is independent of normal brain activity. These results challenge the literature-standard protocols and provide new insights on the unknown mechanism.
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