An Exploration of Students’ Meanings for Derivatives of Univariable and Multivariable Functions when Building Linear Approximations

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This study investigated two undergraduate mathematics students’ meanings for derivatives of univariable and multivariable functions when creating linear approximations. Both participants completed multivariable calculus at least two semesters prior to participating in a sequence of four to five exploratory teaching

This study investigated two undergraduate mathematics students’ meanings for derivatives of univariable and multivariable functions when creating linear approximations. Both participants completed multivariable calculus at least two semesters prior to participating in a sequence of four to five exploratory teaching interviews. One purpose of the interviews was to understand the students’ meaning of the idea of rate of change and its role in their understanding ideas of derivative, partial derivative, and directional derivative. A second purpose was to understand and advance the ways in which each student used the idea of rate of change to make linear approximations. My analysis of the data revealed (i) how a student’s understanding of constant rate of change impacted their conception of derivatives, partial derivatives, and directional derivatives, and (ii) how each student used these ideas to make linear approximations. My results revealed that conceptualizing a rate of change as the ratio of two quantities’ values as they vary together was critical for their conceptualizing partial and directional derivatives quantitatively as directional rates of change, and in particular, how they visualized these ideas graphically and constructed symbols to represent the quantities and the relationships between their values. Further, my results revealed the importance of distinguishing between conceptualizing an instantaneous rate of change assuming a constant rate of change over any amount of change in the independent quantity(s) and using this rate of change to generate an approximate amount of change in the value of the dependent quantity. Alonzo initially conceptualized rate of change and derivative as the slantiness of a line that intersected a function’s curve. John also referred to the derivative at a point as the slope of the line tangent to the curve at that point, but he appeared to conceptualize the derivative as a ratio of the changes in two quantities values and imagined (represented graphically) two changes while discussing how to make this ratio more precise and use its value to make linear projections of future function values and amounts of accumulation. John also conceptualized the derivative as the best local, linear approximation for a function.
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An examination of the effect of a secondary teacher's image of instructional constraints on his enacted subject matter knowledge

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Teachers must recognize the knowledge they possess as appropriate to employ in the process of achieving their goals and objectives in the context of practice. Such recognition is subject to a host of cognitive and affective processes that have thus

Teachers must recognize the knowledge they possess as appropriate to employ in the process of achieving their goals and objectives in the context of practice. Such recognition is subject to a host of cognitive and affective processes that have thus far not been a central focus of research on teacher knowledge in mathematics education. To address this need, this dissertation study examined the role of a secondary mathematics teacher’s image of instructional constraints on his enacted subject matter knowledge. I collected data in three phases. First, I conducted a series of task-based clinical interviews that allowed me to construct a model of David’s mathematical knowledge of sine and cosine functions. Second, I conducted pre-lesson interviews, collected journal entries, and examined David’s instruction to characterize the mathematical knowledge he utilized in the context of designing and implementing lessons. Third, I conducted a series of semi-structured clinical interviews to identify the circumstances David appraised as constraints on his practice and to ascertain the role of these constraints on the quality of David’s enacted subject matter knowledge. My analysis revealed that although David possessed many productive ways of understanding that allowed him to engage students in meaningful learning experiences, I observed discrepancies between and within David’s mathematical knowledge and his enacted mathematical knowledge. These discrepancies were not occasioned by David’s active compensation for the circumstances and events he appraised as instructional constraints, but instead resulted from David possessing multiple schemes for particular ideas related to trigonometric functions, as well as from his unawareness of the mental actions and operations that comprised these often powerful but uncoordinated cognitive schemes. This lack of conscious awareness made David ill-equipped to define his instructional goals in terms of the mental activity in which he intended his students to engage, which further conditioned the circumstances and events he appraised as constraints on his practice. David’s image of instructional constraints therefore did not affect his enacted subject matter knowledge. Rather, characteristics of David’s subject matter knowledge, namely his uncoordinated cognitive schemes and his unawareness of the mental actions and operations that comprise them, affected his image of instructional constraints.
Date Created