Research on the Liquidity of China Treasury Futures Market

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Given the "New Nine Measures" for capital market reform, a policy document issued by the State Council of China, the development of markets for interest rate derivatives, such as treasury futures, becomes an increasingly important task. Several shortcomings of the

Given the "New Nine Measures" for capital market reform, a policy document issued by the State Council of China, the development of markets for interest rate derivatives, such as treasury futures, becomes an increasingly important task. Several shortcomings of the existing treasury futures market have been noted: including low market liquidity, singular investor composition, restrict contract terms, and low hedging demand.

This study contributes to a better understanding of the treasury futures market by analyzing changes in China treasury futures market regulations and their impact on market liquidity of treasury futures. Found that compared with the mature market, China treasury futures market exists liquidity shortage, the trading system, market structure and the division of regulatory are factors which influence the liquidity of China treasury futures market.

This study found that reducing transaction costs for further optimization of the width and depth of China treasury futures market are not obvious by using quantitative analysis method, expanding the smallest change price can optimize the market depth, reducing transaction costs and expanding smallest change price can optimize the immediacy, volume and hosting amount. In addition, the bond market will also influence the treasury futures market, the price fluctuations and the morphology of the yield curve of bond market have significant influence on width, depth and holdings of market.

The system of China treasury futures market needs to be optimized by expanding the smallest change price and reducing transaction costs. The market structure needs to be optimized by establishing unified bond market and enriching investor structure.

These findings have significant theoretical and practical implications. The study also provides policy recommendations for the design and establishment of treasury futures market to the regulatory agencies.
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Investment Style and Performance Attribution Analysis on Chinese A Share Market

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With the fast development of Chinese capital market, an increasing number of institutions and retail investors invest through professional managers. The key to evaluating investment manager’s skill and performance persistence largely lies in portfolio style research and attribution analysis.

With the fast development of Chinese capital market, an increasing number of institutions and retail investors invest through professional managers. The key to evaluating investment manager’s skill and performance persistence largely lies in portfolio style research and attribution analysis.

The current dissertation takes advantage of a unique dataset, uncover hidden investment style and trading behavior, understanding their source of excess returns, and establishing a more comprehensive methodology for evaluating portfolio performance and manager skills.

The dissertation focuses on quantitative analysis. Highlights three most important aspects. Investment style determines the systematic returns and risks of any portfolio, and can be assessed ex-ante; Transaction can be observed and modified during the investment process; and return attribution can be implemented to evaluate portfolio (managers), ex-post. Hence, these three elements make up a comprehensive and logical investment process.

Investment style is probably the most important factor in determining portfolio returns. However, Chinese investment managers are under constant pressure to follow the market trend and shift style accordingly. Therefore, accurately identifying and predicting each manager’s investment style proves critically valuable.

In addition, transaction data probably provides the most reliable source of information in observing and evaluating an investment manager’s style and strategy, in the middle of the investment process.

Despite the efficacy of traditional return attribution methodology, there are clear limitations. The current study proposes a novel return attribution methodology, by synthesizing major portfolio strategy components, such as risk exposure adjustment, sector rotation, stock selection, altogether. Our novel methodology reveals that investment managers do not obtain much abnormal returns through risk exposure adjustment or sector rotation. Instead, Chinese investment managers seem to enjoy most of their excess returns through stock selection.

In addition, we find several interesting patterns in Chinese A-share market: 1). There is a negative relationship between asset under management (AUM) and investment performance, beyond certain AUM threshold; 2). There are limited benefits from style switching in the long run; 3). Many investment managers use CSI 300 component stocks as portfolio ballast and speculate with CSI500 and Medium-and-Small board component stocks for excess returns; 4). There is no systematic negative relationship between portfolio turnover and investment performance; despite negative relationship within certain sub-samples and sectors; 5). It is plausible to construct out-performing portfolios with style index funds and ETFs.
Date Created

The Research of Improving State-backed Private Equity’s Competitiveness

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Accompanying with the development of economy system and the completion of legal framework, Chinese domestic PE industry not only transfused vigor and vividness to capital market, but also generated contribution to substantial economy with a rapid pace in recent decades.

Accompanying with the development of economy system and the completion of legal framework, Chinese domestic PE industry not only transfused vigor and vividness to capital market, but also generated contribution to substantial economy with a rapid pace in recent decades.

Depending on the first move advantage and an affinity with Chinese government, PE industry initially was led by state-owned enterprises. However, these non-market-oriented PE institutions confronted challenge from the perspective of culture, structure and mechanism and crises of outflow of human capital and lacking capability of sustainable development while private section and foreign capital enter the market.

Based on the figure of PE investment and the pattern of historical development in foreign and domestic market, this article specifically analyzed the history of state-backed PE industry‘s development and both advantage and disadvantage of state-backed PE institutions according to real cases intending to improve the competitive strength of state-backed enterprises and to promote a state-backed PE institutions to world-class enterprises through the application of a multi-dimensional stock equity structure, the advantage in accessibility of resource as state-backed enterprises, a market-oriented system and the ability of key staffs.
Date Created

The Impact of Government Subsidy on R&D Input of Enterprises

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Although China’s economy has experienced fast growth over the years, it is also characterized by a lack of innovative products and slow development of advanced production technologies. A main reason for this problem is insufficient investments in research and development

Although China’s economy has experienced fast growth over the years, it is also characterized by a lack of innovative products and slow development of advanced production technologies. A main reason for this problem is insufficient investments in research and development (R&D) activities by Chinese firms. Because of the potential externality and free-rider effects, the economics literature has long suggested that the private sector tends to underinvest in R&D without governmental interventions. The weak protection of intellectual property rights in China makes the problem of underinvestment in R&D even worse. In this situation, it becomes increasingly important for the government to provide incentives such as subsidies on R&D investments, given that R&D investments are critical to the development of new technologies and the sustainable growth of the economy.

In this study I investigate how governmental subsidies on R&D influence Chinese firms’ R&D investments and performance. Specifically, I want to find out (1) whether governmental subsidies promote or hinder firms’ R&D investments, and (2) whether governmental subsidies have differential effects on financial performance across different types of firms. My goal is to better understand the effects of governmental subsidies on Chinese firms. To achieve this goal, I first conduct an extensive review of the relevant literature and then develop a conceptual model about the determinants of governmental subsidies on R&D in China. Next, I conduct empirical analysis using data collected from all the firms listed in the Shanghai Stock Changes and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges during the period of 2009 to 2012. Overall, my findings show that governmental subsidies on R&D have a positive impact on R&D investments by the listed firms. Meanwhile, I find that this positive impact varies significantly across different types of firms, particularly among firms that are still largely owned by the state. I conclude this study with a discussion of its implications for governmental policies on R&D investments.
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