A historical examination of interactive overnight talk radio from the foundations established by Herb Jepko

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The call-in talk radio format is one of the key formats of national talk programming. It was first thought to have originated in the early 1970s, when satellite distributed signals made national programs economical and the advent of the 1-800

The call-in talk radio format is one of the key formats of national talk programming. It was first thought to have originated in the early 1970s, when satellite distributed signals made national programs economical and the advent of the 1-800 telephone number allowed for cheaper long distance phone calls. However, this research reveals that the nationwide call-in format originated in 1964 by Herb Jepko, an overnight talk radio host who broadcast his show, Nitecap, from rural Salt Lake City, Utah on one of the country's most powerful clear channel stations, KSL 1160-AM. At the time Nitecap was launched, most radio executives were skeptical that national call-in talk radio could be successful. Yet, Jepko demonstrated that millions of people, awake in the late and early morning hours, were interested in listening to radio programming as well as interacting with the host and other listeners. This research examines Jepko's innovation of national call-in talk radio and the factors that contributed to his success. He altered the traditional talk radio paradigm and changed the way industry leaders viewed both the overnight time slot and national call-in talk shows. His work set the foundation for the format and paved the way for its use today.
Date Created

Weathercasters in local television news: a qualitative case study of culture and technology in a large U.S. broadcasting market during the monsoon

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This is a case study of weathercasters in a large U.S. television market from five different English speaking stations conducted before, during, and after a severe weather season. The research applies the ethnographic process to inscribe and define the

This is a case study of weathercasters in a large U.S. television market from five different English speaking stations conducted before, during, and after a severe weather season. The research applies the ethnographic process to inscribe and define the culture of local weathercasters in the news environment. The purpose of this study is to examine the extant cultural characteristics discerned by weathercasters and the changes in weather broadcast technology used by live “on-air” television personnel. Forty-nine elite, in depth interviews with 17 different weathercasters along with participant and non-participant observation yielded transcripts and field notes obtained during the six month data acquisition phase. Using qualitative methods and the CAQDAS program Dedoose, 953 coded excerpts from the transcripts were analyzed for various patterns, behaviors, and characteristics relevant to culture, technology, and perceptions of weathercasters. The excerpts revealed dominant cultural aspects defined as dichotomous differences, autonomous functions, and identity perceptions. Socio-technical models are explicated in relationship to control, knowledge, and strategic coping mechanisms. The newsroom and weathercaster co-cultural context is defined by the conformity versus autonomy relationship and the external and internal structure of the weathercaster’s working environment is delineated. Co-cultural models explain the way influence operates in severe weather situations within the newsroom culture. The results have utility for scholars studying technology, culture, newsroom routines, rituals, and professionals who work in the television news industry. The findings are highly relevant for television weathercasters, newsroom producers, and broadcast managers.
Date Created

The C.A.L.L. to Action Model of Community Engagement: examining how communication, alliance, leadership, and leverage combined to end chronic homelessness among veterans in Maricopa County, Arizona

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This dissertation sought to understand how leaders in a public-private strategic alliance collaboratively address complex community problems. The study responded to the gap in academic research of leadership and public relations in alliances to solve complex social issues, as well

This dissertation sought to understand how leaders in a public-private strategic alliance collaboratively address complex community problems. The study responded to the gap in academic research of leadership and public relations in alliances to solve complex social issues, as well as the scant scholarly attention to alliance leaders' communications with stakeholders. Its findings corresponded to framing theory, stakeholder theory, SWOT (strengths/weaknesses/opportunities/threats) theory, complexity theory, and the subtopic of complex leadership -- all through the lens of public relations. This investigation culminated in the introduction of the C.A.L.L. to Action Model of Community Engagement, which demonstrates the confluence of factors that were integral to the alliance's success in eliminating chronic homelessness among veterans in Maricopa County, Arizona -- Communication, Alliance, Leadership, and Leverage. This qualitative case study used the method of elite or in-depth interviews and grounded theory to investigate the factors present in a community engagement that achieved its purpose. It served as a foundation for future inquiry and contributions to the base of knowledge, including 1) additional qualitative case studies of homeless alliances in other communities or of other social issues addressed by a similar public-private alliance; 2) quantitative methods, such as a survey of the participants in this alliance to provide triangulation of the results and establish a platform for generalization of the results to a larger population.
Date Created