Book it, 1st Grade! Keeping the “Physical” in Physical Education while Integrating Children's Literature

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Physical activity (PA) has been shown to increase cognitive function, with higher test scores being reported for students engaged in higher levels PA. Additionally, the integration of the Common Core content into physical education allows for more Common Core content

Physical activity (PA) has been shown to increase cognitive function, with higher test scores being reported for students engaged in higher levels PA. Additionally, the integration of the Common Core content into physical education allows for more Common Core content practice while students meet physical education objectives. Integration can be defined as the teaching of two or more subject areas simultaneously to enhance students’ learning and understanding. This novel shift to integration is underpinned by Fullan’s Change Theory where students may learn content in new and meaningful ways that meet the goals of multiple realms in education. The purpose of this crossover, replication design study was to investigate first-grade students’ enjoyment levels (enjoyment exit slips), attitudes (pre- & post-surveys), step counts (accelerometers), reading and listening comprehension (Accelerated Reader testing), as well as students’ and teachers’ perceptions (interviews & field notes) when integrating children’s literature into the fitness segment of physical education. Twenty-one first-grade students, two first-grade classroom teachers, and two physical education teachers from two different schools (Private and Public) in Southwestern, US participated in this study for six weeks each (12 weeks across the two schools). At each school, one first grade class participated as both the control and intervention groups. Overall, the results from integrating children’s literature into the physical education fitness segment were positive. Students’ enjoyment levels were high, their attitudes remained positive, they maintained similar step counts throughout the intervention periods, and the students scored similarly on the Accelerated Reader assessments from content taught in the classroom versus content presented in physical education. Additionally, students’ and teachers’ perceptions were positive, underpinned by Fullan’s Change Theory and resulted in the following three themes for students: (a) Motivation and engagement, (b) learning as perceived by students, and (c) home environment, as well as the following two themes for teachers: (a) Motivation and resources, and (b) stay the course. To my knowledge, this is the first experimental investigation of the integration of children’s literature into physical education which provides necessary evidence and an invaluable start to this important line of inquiry.
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Maintaining hózhó: perceptions of physical activity, physical education and healthy living among Navajo high school students

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Native American populations have higher obesity and diabetes rates overall in the U.S. Percentages of obesity among Native American children were 11-25% higher than the national average. Among Navajo, cultural lifestyles changes have led to less physical activity and obesity


Native American populations have higher obesity and diabetes rates overall in the U.S. Percentages of obesity among Native American children were 11-25% higher than the national average. Among Navajo, cultural lifestyles changes have led to less physical activity and obesity problems with youth more disassociated from traditional Navajo living, culture, beliefs, language and religion. They were at highest risk for Type II diabetes among ethnic groups due to less physically activity, increased weight gain and obesity.

This study had dual purposes: Part one of this study was to examined the perceptions of physical activity, physical education and living healthy lifestyles of Navajo adolescents, physical educators, a Navajo culture teacher, a Diné studies teacher and a community member. Part two of this study examined the physical activity patterns of Navajo adolescent students. To gain their perspectives, eight Navajo students (9-12 grades), two physical educators, two classroom teachers and one community member were recruited and interviewed individually for 60-minutes. Secondly, pedometers were used to assess the students’ physical activity levels during the school day and 24-hour increments.

Results of the part one study indicated important aspects of physical activity by Navajo adolescents, physical education teachers, classroom teachers and a community member were cultural identity, family involvement, and structure of family/extended family. Navajo respondents participated in traditional form of running in the morning, a practice performed by parents and/or extended family. Physical activity was described as active involvement of the body, movement, physical fitness, and sport related interests. Stakeholders described physical activity and healthy living as culturally driven beliefs and learning based on Navajo way of life.

Findings of part two study indicated that boys were significantly more physically active on weekday than girls t(32)=2.04, p=<.05. Weekday step counts for boys indicated (M=11,078, SD= 4,399) and for girls (M=7,567, SD=5,613). Girls were significantly more active on weekend t(27)=2.30,p=.03. Weekend step counts indicated boys and girls accumulated (M=6493, SD=5650) and (M=7589, SD=5614) steps. Physical education step counts showed minimal differences between boys (M=2203, SD=918) and girls (M=1939, SD=889) step counts. Overall results indicate that Navajo adolescents did not meet daily physical activity recommendations.
Date Created

Before-school running-walking club: effects on physical activity and on-task behavior

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Background: Childhood obesity is one of the most serious public health concerns in the United States and has been associated with low levels of physical activity. Schools are ideal physical activity promotion sites but school physical activity opportunities have decreased

Background: Childhood obesity is one of the most serious public health concerns in the United States and has been associated with low levels of physical activity. Schools are ideal physical activity promotion sites but school physical activity opportunities have decreased due the increased focus on academic performance. Before-school programs provide a good opportunity for children to engage in physical activity as well as improve their readiness to learn. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a before-school running/walking club on children's physical activity and on-task behavior. Methods: Participants were third and fourth grade children from two schools in the Southwestern United States who participated in a before-school running/walking club that met two times each week. The study employed a two-phase experimental design with an initial baseline phase and an alternating treatments phase. Physical activity was monitored using pedometers and on-task behavior was assessed through systematic observation. Data analysis included visual analysis, descriptive statistics, as well as multilevel modeling. Results: Children accumulated substantial amounts of physical activity within the before-school program (School A: 1731 steps, 10:02 MVPA minutes; School B: 1502 steps, 8:30 MVPA minutes) and, on average, did not compensate by decreasing their physical activity during the rest of the school day. Further, on-task behavior was significantly higher on days the children attended the before-school program than on days they did not (School A=15.78%, pseudo-R2=.34 [strong effect]; School B=14.26%, pseudo-R2=.22 [moderate effect]). Discussion: Results provide evidence for the positive impact of before-school programs on children's physical activity and on-task behavior. Such programs do not take time away from academics and may be an attractive option for schools.
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